Forrest's Homepage
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Welcome to my homepage. Here's a picture of me resting on a helicopter, exhausted and full of ashes after a hard morning fighting fires. Bear with me, and I should soon have more links and anything else you may care to suggest.
Birthdate: July 27, 1979
Description: 6'2"/185lbs/brown hair/green eyes
Address: I live in residence at university in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In the summer I'm based out of Hinton, Alberta but go wherever the fires are.
Education: I currently attend the University of British Columbia. My specialization will be forest resource management.
The past summer was my third year fighting forest fires, and I loved it. I was on a type I Wildland Fire-fighting Unit (Helitack/Initial attack), and travelled all over Alberta, as well as into the United States putting out fires. It was a great summer, and resulted in plenty of great stories.
I love the outdoors, and just about anything you can do out there. Hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, skiing...whatever. I'm also into a variety of music, with my favorites being alternative and punk. A little bit of Zeppelin or CCR always has a home in my collection though. Fluf is another band I like, as is Suicidal Tendencies. I don't play any sports competetively, but I do enjoy playing for fun. I'm almost always up for going out partying, as well as for drinking the odd beer.
Last Revised: 06/09/00