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Pokemon Hints

Pokemon Hints::

WARNING->some of these hints could be fake!! so if they are, don't complain to me!!! i am testing some of them myself.. and if you have already tried it, PLEASE email me and tell me your results..THANX!!!

Gain easy levels::(definitely works)::
Just put your weak and pathetic pokemon on top of list (just go to the menu and "switch" it). this is real good for magikarp.. even works if the pokemon didn't fight.. but you gotta win the battle

Pushing A while attacking give stronger attacks...
and pushing B and UP gives stronger defense...
(this is according to Jim T.. may work for him, but maybe not for you...)

Fishing in a Gym::(works, but not for some gyms)
u gotta have a fishing rod first.. then fish at the statues where it sez the winning trainers (and in the water at Misty's gym). With a Super Rod, you can even get Dratini

Itemfinder/finding items::
  • Full Restore in Victory Road near the exit
  • PP Up on Route 13, and Route 17 on right side of Cycling Road
  • Max Ether on the small island while going to Victory Road
  • a Nugget in Route 7 underground path
  • Full Restore and X Special in Route 5 Underground Path
  • Ether in Unknown Dungeon on first floor
  • Rare Candy in Cerulean City in the backyard of the house in the top left corner
  • Great Ball in trash can in the kitchen in S.S. Anne

    To get Mew:: (doesn't work)
    Buy the Magikarp the guy at the Pokemon Center at Mount Moon sells. Then take it to the daycare until it reaches level 50, and it'll change to a Mew. For every single step you take, it's only one exp point... (takes a long time and a lot of money)

    Another way to get Mew::
    (tried it, but doesn't work, but the truck's gotta be there for a reason...)
    Another one is to not have the St Anne leave. Do this by not getting on the ship (trade with someone to get cut) or to lose to one trainer on the ship and don't go near the ship again. Just continue on with your jounrney. When you have Strength and Surf, surf around there, and there would be a truck. Lift up the truck and you'll get Mew.

    Got an email saying that you have to have a level 100 Machamp for this to work.

    Mew with the game genie::(works, but it really isn't Mew.. no questions or comments pleeze)
    to do this, you'll need a code::
    15191a7fc15193af7e1519ba5db (red)
    15191a7fc15193af7e1519ba6eb (blue)
    Then it'll be at the field west of Cerulean City, at level 10. Go ahead and attack it, but u might kill it....

    ~TO GET MEW~ ::(NO questions, comments, or emails bout this pleeze...)
    once you get 150, all you have to do is to somehow contact Nintendo and prove to them that you have all 150 pokemon. Then they will GIVE you Mew.

    Cheating a Master Ball::
    When you're throwing a Great Ball, hold UP and B and it'll act as a master ball. make sure you hold the buttons before it hits the pokemon

    Gambling Tip:: (has to work)
    The slot machines have different odds, and change a lot. Try the machines around 4 times, and if it hits 2 or more, then just keep using that one cuz it's probably real good. If it machine gives you a close 777 or BarBarBar, it'll probably give you one or the other

    Coins at the Game Corner:: (will work)
    Walk around pressing 'A' non-stop.. and you'll find some coins.. usually behind the people

    Safari Zone Pokemon::
    Go into the safari zone and walk around where the pokemon you want is at and waste up your time in the patch of grass. When time runs out, go to Cinnabar Islands and surf up, and down the right side half on land and half in water. You'll most likely find that pokemon that you want (except chansey, cuz it's so dang hard 2 find...)

    $999,999::(no idea)
    Go inside the pokemon lab in Cinnabar Island, and trade with one of the guys there. Then move a nugget at the top of your item list. Then Surf up and down the right side of the island (looks like you are half on land and half on the water) and hold down 'A'. Later, you'll run into Missingno. There's gotta be a lot of then so don't worry if you kill it. High attack but lousy defence, but catch at least one. Then check out your items. There should be a little symbol in front of a nine where the it tells how many of the item u have. Then go sell the item with the symbol, but press down when he asks you how many you want to sell. Then you'll probably be real rich

    99 of an item::(works)
    visit the man taught you how to catch a Pokemon, and watch him catch the weedle. Then fly to Cinnibar Island. Put the item you want 99 of at the sixth from the top of your tools list. next defeat Missingno, and you will have 99 of the sixth item on your list...

    Bill's Secret Mountain:: U have to have 150 (or 151??) pokemon. Access bill's computer 100 times (for each pokemon [jolteon, vaporeon, flareon]???), then bill will be like, wow~! then he'll let u in his secret mountain. nothing much in there though, if it is real...

    PokeGod::(no idea)
    Beat the Elite 4 THIRTY times and do NOT talk to anyone, cept to the nurse at the Pokemon Center. On the 30th time, Professor Oak will say: "I'm getting tired of this" and take you around a Hall of Fame and a city with people with *PokeGods*

    Yoshi::(no idea)
    Evolve a Dragonite [most likely only in the gold/silver version].. some people list a bunch of other weird stuff that makes NO SENSE AT ALL!!! (trust me) Only thing that makes sense: catch all 150 Pokemon, and use a Fire Stone (even though it sez N/A) on Dragonite. But you have to trade your dragonite for another, and both people has to have all 150 peokemon
    now someone else tells me you have to go to the arena and do it, in the "normal" versions

    and now, someone sent me about an email bout this: (believe it at your own risk)
    Turning Dragonite into Yoshi is are real code, it really works.
    This is what to do, and I hope it makes sense:
    1. The owner of Pokemon Blue must catch a Dratini
    2. Now that person must give his/her Dratini to someone with Pokemon Red.
    3. The person with Pokemon Red trains the Dratini until it evolves into Dragonair, then Dragonite
    4. Once it is a Dragonite, the person with red gives it back to the person it came from (the one with Pokemon Blue)
    5. Then the person with Pokemon Blue takes the Dragonite to where Mewtwo used to be standing and uses a fire stone on him to evolve him into Yoshi
    NOTE: You must have all 150 (not 151) and must have beaten the Elite Four, including your rival.

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