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Rescue 15

Fund Raising

Below is a list of companies that sponsor or have made donations to Rescue 15 so far for 1999.


  • City of Prince Rupert


  • Highliner Inn

    Donations are Welcome

    Rescue 15 is a registered, non-profit society, and is constantly working to upgrade and improve its training and equipment resources. Rescue equipment is generally expensive and subject to severe wear and tear. Rescue 15 welcomes contributions from the community. Several major equipment items are currently needed; if your company or community group would like to be a sponsor or make a donation, please let us know. All contributions are acknowledged and tax receipts are issued for contributions over $100. How to contact us:

    Rescue 15
    Box 452
    Prince Rupert, B.C.
    Phone/Fax: (250) 627-7888

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