Welcome to Hunters Point Correctional Facility in the rust belt of Long Island City NY at the dawn of the cyber-age. The order of assembly line factory culture is gone but what has replaced it? If All Men Were Angels takes you behind the scenes in a Dickenesque swirl behind the iron gate through the consequences of change. Most prisoners were displaced Viet vets or recent immigrants snared in the dragnet sweeps of New York City streets. As convolutions in society pit displaced persons up against tougher attitudes on alchol and drug abuse. But a good Corrections Officer remains neutral.
"I'd just as soon serve righteousness as I do a mastodon"
hpcf A new book entitled " IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS," a line borrowed from President Madison is the paen to those turbulent years. There are no icons so holy nor so demons so evil that the Grim Reaper cannot ply his trade against the unfit or the unwary in the torrents of social change. Dickens and Steinbeck would savor the tension between change and rigidity.

You can visit Angels in Cyber-Space~! Get ye to the Book Den and read IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS,"

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