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Spencer Sercombe

Paul Sarno

Spencer, who began playing guitar in bands at age 12, is probably best known for his Los Angeles hard rock band Shark Island whose major label debut cd "Law Of The Order" came out on Epic records in 1989. Like much of the hard rock that was out at that time, Shark Island took a page from the Guns N Roses book of rock n roll. Tough and raunchy one minute, while still being able to execute a great ballad the next. Spencer devoted 12 years to Shark Island, and later went on to play live and on record with a wide range of acts such as War, Sparks, MSG, and most recently Bill Ward of Black Sabbath. In 1994, Spencer toured with the Riverdogs, replacing both Nick Brophy and Cary Beare on stage. In 1996 when Rob Lamothe went solo, Spencer helped considerably on his first solo cd "Gravity", credited with most of the bass guitar on the cd as well as 12 string acoustic guitar on "My Head", and co-writing credits on "The Light Of You" and "My Head". Infact, in the liner notes Rob says he could not have made the CD without the friendship and talent of both Spencer and Ronnie Ciago. Spencer now has his own signature series guitar, built by Todd Krause at the Fender Custom shop. In describing himself, Spencer says: "I'm a southern California native. I like reptiles. I don't eat mammals. I still drive the same car I had in high school. I've been way up and way down, but all in all I'd say I've been one lucky bastard.

Spencer Sercombe Cary Beare| Nick Brophy| Vivian Campbell| Ronnie Ciago| Marc Danzeisen| Rob Lamothe

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