You are growing fond of this family, and are deeply moved by the oldest child's fears. Together the two of you march bravely outside, wielding your swords. Terrible howling rents the summer air, and you smell something rank approaching.

The night is dark, and there is no moon even to give light. Moving forward blindly, you stub your toe against something sharp.
"This is ridiculous!" You exclaim to your companion, "How can we fight them when we can't see anything?"
"They always come on dark nights," the boy replies, and you curse silently to yourself.
The howling sounds again, so close that you jump in surprise.
"That does it," you cry, and you chant a spell for light, one of the very first spells novice mages learn.
The area immediately surrounding you lights up as though under a full moon. To your surprise, the nightmarish creatures before you howl again, this time in pain. Apparently you have discovered the reason that they only attack on moonless nights--light appears to hurt them. Temporarily blinded, they are easy prey, and you and the boy set about attacking them with your swords. The boy's mother appears in the doorway with a pitchfork, and sets about to help you both. Before long, five werewolves lie dead at your feet. The mother and son hug each other, crying. "Father is finally avenged," the boy says proudly, and shoots you a grateful look. You spend another several days with the farm family. Finally, it is time to go. The whole family begs you to stay on. if you:

sun and moon divider bar

decide to stay

decide to leave