You decide that you'll head west, toward Ankros, and have a look at the monastery marked on the map. You're still very grieved by your teacher's death, and the thought of spending some peaceful time there appeals to you.
You take your belongings and set off. The way is pleasant enough. The sun shines, and everywhere fragrant fruit trees bloom. You are passing through a part of Lindau where forests are interspersed with farming communities. You aren't close to any farms or villages when twilight falls, so you gather some wood and decide to make the best of it. You light a fire easily with a small spell, and open your pack to get some of the food you brought with you.
You've just pulled out a flask of wine and a small loaf of bread, when you hear something moving on the far side of the fire.
You look up to see a short muscular man, just under four feet tall, watching you. The firelight flickers on his face, revealing dark hair and a grizzled beard and moustache. He carries an axe over his shoulder.
"Hello," you say, a little nervously. You wish your sword wasn't several feet away, leaning up against a tree.
"Hello," he replies, watching you closely. "Ye wouldn't be wantin' to share that fire and that food with a cold, hungry old dwarf, would ye?"