forest trees divider bar
You are determined to get out of the swamp, and you ignore the bobbing light and quickly light your own lantern with a cantrip you've known for years.

Pressing on, you follow the cobblestone road as it winds through the eerie swamp. Cries of what you hope are strange birds echo all around you, over the sound of the frogs peeping. Off to your left you hear a loud "splash", and wonder what it was. You are glad you decided not to wander off into the swamp in pursuit of the bobbing light. It would have been very easy to misstep and either hurt yourself or get mired in the muck.

You are exhausted by the time the road begins to lead upward and out of the wet ground. It narrows off into a dirt track here, not very travelled by the look of things. You can still see the odd cobble stone here and there, but what is left of the road is wild and overgrown.

You start a small fire to warm yourself, and fall asleep exhausted. You don't wake up until after noon the next day, but besides being ravenously hungry you feel pretty good.

You finish off the food you brought with you, and head on your way, following the map.


Want to be leader of your own country? You can even take over the whole world!