At the Dun Cow, you get what you pay for. The upper floor boasts a closet with a sit-down hole for a toilet, and three rows of dirty straw mats. It smells rather musty, and the window is left open to combat the smell of so many unwashed people sleeping in the same room.

Only two of the mats are currently taken. You decide to choose the one nearest the window, even though it is cold. The noise from downstairs comes up through the floor, not significantly reduced in volume.

You manage to sleep eventually. You're not sure how much later it is when you awaken suddenly. The noise has changed. You hear a roaring sound like a wild wind storm. Light flickers on the wall above you as you open your eyes. They sting terribly. Sitting up, you come fully awaken within a few moments, your stomach clenching in fear. The pub is on fire! Flames spurt through the doorway to the stairs.

Trying to maintain your presence of mind, you shake the person next to you awake.

"Fire!" you cry, grabbing your pack and slinging it over your shoulder.

You prod at several other drunken sleepers, and finally manage to wake them all. Taking one of the sturdier-looking blankets, you begin to lower people through the window, one at a time. They have a short drop to the ground, but it is better than burning to death.

You drop the blanket, and four of the people you rescued hold it by the corners so you can jump. You crouch on the windowsill, afraid to jump. Then, taking a deep breath, you grab the sill and lower yourself down as far as you can, then let go. The entire crowd cheers for you. The blanket breaks most of the impact of your fall, and you are unhurt. A few moments after you land, the roof of the building caves in.

The people you saved crowd about you, and hoist you onto their shoulders, parading you around the crowd.
"I can't give yeh nothin'," says one of them, "I've got nothin' to give to anyone. But you're a hero."

You spend the night in the local church, with everyone else who was staying at the Dun Cow.

In the morning, the mayor of the town presents you with a medal, and treats you to a bath and breakfast at his own home.

You decide to go on to the ruined castle to see if it is full of treasure