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You retrace your footsteps to where the cobblestones are dry and the ground is higher. It is nearly dark, but you manage to find a nice patch of flat, dry ground under a tree and make yourself a small fire there.

You pull bread and cheese from your pack and devour it hungrily, then search for more firewood and pile the fire higher. You feel warmer and safer with it blazing away.

The noises of the wilderness are a bit startling from time to time, but the sound of frogs peeping lulls you to sleep.

You awaken in the morning a little bit stiff and sore, but well rested. You eat a small breakfast, then carefully put out your fire and head on your way.

For a while the cobbled road leads down through a marshy, muddy area. The road has fallen into a state of bad disrepair here. To your dismay, it turns into a rough dirt track as it heads back uphill again toward the area where the castle is on your map.

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