"Well," Cara says, "if you feel you must go then go you must. Just be very careful in the swampy areas, particularly at night. Go to sleep before it is completely dark, and don't go following any little lights you see moving off the trail. Will o' the Wisps can be nasty little pranksters. Sometimes they'll just get you hopelessly mixed up and lost, so that when dawn comes in the morning you're exhausted and miles away from where you meant to be. But the ones that have gone bad will try to lure you off the path into quicksand, or drown you."

She gives you a loaf of bread, some cheese, and strips of dried fruit leather to take with you, along with a warm hug. You take good care of yourself, and when you feel that you've had enough adventuring, you'll always find a home and a teacher here with Ollie and I, while we're here studying the swamp plants and creatures."

You head off toward the castle ruins, feeling warm and happy.
