The ghost's expression crumples, and he sits on the stairs with a huge sigh. You feel intensely sorry for him.

"My daughter, Saskia, was the most important thing in the world to me," he explains. "I would give anything to be able to see her again. I've kept everything that I could salvage after the castle was stormed, in the hope that someday she would return. Her nursemaid smuggled her out of the castle for me. I thought she would come back. I suppose she is dead now, too."

The ghost breaks into sobs, tiny see-through tears rolling down his see-through cheeks.

You lean awkwardly against the wall, wishing that you could help somehow.

He looks up, suddenly, brightening. "I realize that she is probably dead, but perhaps she has children, or grandchildren, who could benefit from what I've kept. At least, if I could just see one of them, I could rest in peace. You look like a brave adventurer. I promise you half of what I have saved upstairs if you could just find one of my descendants and bring them back for me to see."

You agree to search for his descendants

You think it is an impossible task, and tell him you can't do it.