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16 chats up Denise Mclean-- and gets the goods on a brand new BSB Fan club!

Source: 16

If you're a major BSB fan, then you know that wild-man AJ Mclean has one very special lady in his life-- his mom, Denise! She's more than just a supportive parent: She's totally involved in the life and times of the Backstreet Boys. Denise is in charge of the brand new BSB Fan Club, and she recently called up 16 magazine to tell us all about it.

16:What made you decide to start the new fan club?

Denise:I wanted to provide the best service for fans. I thought, if the fans are what make entertainers so successful, then someone needs to put together a better fan club. i wanted ours to be the best it possibly could be. We're calling it the Backstreet Boys Fan Club. Another reason I wanted to start the club was, i wanted to put a bit of a lid on the rumor mill. I hear so many rumors about the boys, and I try to squelch them as soom as I can.

16:What kind of things do fans get when they join the club?

Denise: We're getting a fan pack together. Fans will get a folder with a menbership card, a poster, akey chain and a nice welcome latter signed by me. That will be the starter kit. they'll also receive a quarterly newsletter-- about six pages to start, but eventually it will be magazine quality, with a glossy finish. We're putting it together now-- it'll have lots of little contests and tidbits the fans will like. There will also be a fan club web page as well.

16: How much does it cost to join the Fan Club?

Denise: Right now it costs $24.95, and that gives you a full years's membership with all of the stuff included.

16: How much mail do the Boys get?
Denise: Coming to out personal PO Box, there were hundreds per week. We got letters left at the house. There's amil going to my parents' house, where I lived before AJ and I bought a new house. We also get box loads from the mangement company every couple of weeks. All in all, about 8,000 letters per week.

16: How can our readers get information about the club?

Denise: they can write to The backstreet Boys Fan Club, PO Box 695004, Orlandom FL 32869-5004. And out hotline number is (407) 903-0323.