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The First Time of Brian....

realised he was famous

Well, one thing that I've come to figure out is that eating at McDonald's isn't as easy as it used to be when I was just a regular guy who nobody really cared about! It's kinda like your life is taken away from you all of a sudden. the first time it really hit me- and I mean big time-was when we were at home in America about three years ago and this girl asked me we were at home in America about three year ago and this girl asked me for my autpgraph. It was a real smack in the face... In a nice way. it was like,' Wow she really wants me to write my name down on a litte bit of paper!' She probably expected more, but i just wrote my name down ! That's all I could thik to do! I'm used to it now -d'ya have any ideal how many I've signed now that we've been all over thw world? 'Cause I don't!

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