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Issues of Big Hit Magazine

He's normally a Iittle shy and reserved, but big hit got Nick Carter to open up by firing these tricky questions at him.

When was the last time a girl turned you down?
Probably when I was at school I used to get brushed sent Probably when I was at school. I used to get brushed off all the time because none of the girls liked me. They all thought I was a bit odd and preferred the cool guys, but I didn't want to get involved in that crowd. I kept myself to myself.

What's your sexiest body part?
I・d probably have to say my hair. I don't take a lot of time over it but people seem to like the way it looks. I used to swim all the time at home in Florida so the chlorine and the sun turned it blond, but now dye it to keep the highlights in.

Are you superstitious?
kind of. I believe in 'something'. but it's hard to place a specify name for the feelings I have. All I know is there's gotta be someone else out there.

Do you have smelly feet?
No! I wash them every time I go in the shower. I even scrub in between the toes. No .toe glue・ for me! To tell you the truth, I don・t sniff my feet that often because they・re too far away from my nose, but no-one else complains about them so I guess they・re pretty sweet smelling.

Is there a piece of jewellery that・s extra special to you?
Yeah, a BSB pendant on a gold chain. Our manager gave us one each as a thank you for our hard work. I・m not wearing it though. I keep important possessions in a safe place because I get pretty worried about losing sentimental stuff.

Are you a good kisser?
Hmm, how can I answer that question? Nah, I don・t think I am. I mean, I don・t have a special kissing technique or anything, I just do whatever comes naturally. Its been a long time since I・ve kissed anyone, so I・m way out of practice at the moment.

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be a girl?
Its gone through my mind a few times. Nothing specific, just thoughts about the kind of stuff I・d have to put up with. I definitely reckon boys have it easier because they don・t have to have babies and stuff. I・ve heard that・s meant to be pretty bad from what my mums told me.

Would you do anything for a real friend?
It depends on how long the friendship lasts. I・ve had some friends since I was a little kid, and I would do anything for them. Of course, it depends on the situation, something illegal maybe too much.

Would you lie for a friend?
I would lie. When a friend, for example, has girl trouble it would be different. I would help him out of the scrap.

Who is your best friend?
At home there・s a girl. I understand her perfectly. She・s not my girlfriend or anything, she・s just my best friend, she・s really great. I go to her when I have a problem and sometimes call her when I・m touring.

Describe yourself in one sentence.
I was born to make fun of things. They say I・ve got a great bunch of energy, many times the others even call me .The Hyperman!・ That・s actually two sentences, but we・ll let that go! (laughs)