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Nick No longer back to Single!!

Here, we got the Lastest enquirer article about Nick, and the article said that Jane Carter told the truth that Nick is back with Mandy, and Nick even turns his back on his family, he didn't receive any call from his lovely family, but we have no idea that if this article is 100% true. Just read it for fun and don't put it in your mind.


Lovestruck Nick turns his back on his family

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter has broken the hearts of family members with the shocking news that he's turning his back on them and moving in with his girlfriend. The crushing blow came just weeks after Nick, 19, moved his family into a new multi-million-dollar home and pormised to spend an old-fashioned Christmas with them--which he then skipped. "When Nick told me he was moving out, I was devastated, " Nick's mom Jane Carter told The Enquirer in an exclusive interview. "He made the announcement that he needed to be near his girlfriend Mandy Williford in Florida and he ditched his family in California. Nick left us in emotional shock." Nick and his family moved from Florida to Los Angeles last year so his siblings can pursue a show business career like big brother Nick. In September, just before Nick left on a BSB tour, he moved the family to a big ranch 200 miles north of L.A. "But just as we moved Nick and Mandy started seeing each other again, " said his mom. "They met two years ago and their relationship has never been easy. Nick's hectic schedule caused them to break up several times. I thought Mandy was out of his system for good.' Then, when Nick was on tour, "one day a big moving truck pulled up," his mom revealed. "They said they were here to pack Nick's things and I freaked out. I don't know when I've ever cried so much. "I contacted Nick to find out what was going on and that's when he dropped the bomb on us. Nick told his dad and me, 'Mandy and I are back together and when I return for the tour I'm moving back to Florida and she and I are going to live together." "Nick even told us that he no longer wanted his dad to have input in his business affairs and that he wants to do it all himself." And to add insult to injury, before Nick ran back to Mandy, he planned a big Christmas celebration. Everyone was thrilled at the thought of Christmas in our new home--especially his brother and sisters. "Nick's grandparents are very ill and this was probably their last Christmas. But then Nick pulled the rug out from under us--he was a no-show. Once Nick moved out, we didn't hear from him for weeks. He wouldn't call and we couldn't get a hold of him. Here we were not knowing if we were going to be kicked out of our new home, which Nick bought for us. Nick called just before Christmas and said that he will settle financially with us, but that remains to be seen. No matter what happens, Nick's father and I will always be here for him--and we hope he comes home soon."

Gonna see what do the fans think of here

On September, 1999, Nick said on his official website that he broken up with mandy with some reasons( you better check it out later on by yourself). And Here're all the info we got.

Source:, Anissa We heard of this from a reader's email and she told ud about that.. Thankz a billion!!

Hay, Go ahead, read the fact below!

Nick and mandy broke up a week before the 1999 mtv awards.The eyewitness said mandy came to nicks house and nick broke up with her in the front lawn.Mandy was cheating on him with some other guy.Nick even gave back the ring he's always wearing on his middle finger which was a gift from mandy.Also mandy made a comment on his weight on television.If u saw the awards in september u notice that all the bsb girlfriends are with them EXCEPT nicks.Nicks father went with him instead. You can see his father when they win a award sitting next to nick.Also when they win that award nick is rubbing his face and you can see he's NOT wearing the ring anymore.

Source: Nick Official Webiste

Comments: : hi! so anyway there have been rumors "flying" on the internet bout your love life, for example your dating this girl or you have a new gf or even you broke with this girl and the rumor goes on and i was just wondering how many gf's have you had since you were a part of the backstreet boys???? pls. do email me back a.s.a.p coz i just wanna get things straight!!!!!!!!!! love the new album, hope to see ya' soon!

Nick: I really don't like talking about my personal life on the web site but there have been some vicious attacks, and I feel this needs to be set straight. I have had one serious relationship in the last year with a girl named Mandy (not Mandy Moore as many have suspected.) Many of you have seen pictures of her in magazines. Mandy and I broke up several weeks ago. The breaking point with Mandy was when she slapped my best friend Brent for listening to a BSB song. Mandy was also physically abusive to me and my fans; she just couldn't handle it. It really turned ugly after I helped her sign a record contract and she started recording her first album. When we broke up, she and her family took my big screen TV -- a gift from Jive Records. She has my regards, my pity, my love but also my goodbye.

If you wanna know more about it, go to his official website:

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Here are some pics of Nick's former girlfriend, Mandy Willaford..

Hay! Wanna check out the real relationship between Nick and Mandy?? click here to read an interview.

Nick Carter's Love Life

I don't want to give away to much info here since it is his own *personal* life but here is a bit of info and pix I found on his gf, Mandy, and interviews of what he himself had to say about her!

Name: Amanda Willaford
Nickname: Mandy
Birth Date:22 January 1981
Age: 18
Hometown: Ruskin, FL
Occupation: Singer

*bits of info* Mandy lives in Ruskin, near Nick's old parents' house. Her parents own fruit farms outside of Tampa. Mandy attended East Bay High which is outside of Ruskin.

Top Of The Pops Magazine( UK ), issue 51, May 1999
Article: " Nick, who couldn't put the beach ball down, brought his girlfriend along to the Pops. She was wearing a backpack in the form of Animal from the Muppets and told TOTP she's known Nick for quite a while but didn't believe he was a singer when they first met. 'Everyone thinks I look like Nick's sister', she giggled, and indded she has got the trademark Carter blonde straight hair. "

BIG Magazine, MAY 1999
Big: Ok let's deal with this whole girlfriend thing. Are you seeing anyone at the moment? Nick: Yes I am. Her name is Mandy. I don't really want to talk about her. She is a personal part of my life and she's something no one else needs to know about other than me. When I'm ready for the world to know, I will tell everyone. I hope that doesn't offend anyone, but that is how I feel.

BRAVO magazine, december 1998

{here is a true confession, straight from Nick!)
BRAVO: Let's talk about your private life - A.J. and Brian have girlfriends now, how bout the others?
Kevin: Howie and I are singles (the all look at Nick)
Nick: (grins and fidgets) I have a steady girlfriend now, for the first time - and I am very, very much in love!
BRAVO: What's her name, and how did you two meet?
Nick: I won't tell her name, because we have been together for a few weeks only. I met her in Tampa. She is a singer as well, and is going to have her big breakthrough very soon. She is blonde and kinda looks like my sister B.J. But she is not a member of the group 'Innosense' (he laughs)

US magazine, October 1998
When Carter is asked about a puppy he and his girlfriend bought the day before, he is apoplectic. "Who said it was my girlfriend?" he says. "That was my cousin. Right now my love is the music" But backstage, just before the Boys go on, Carter turns to his platinum-blond "cousin", embraces her and gives her a long, deep kiss.


APRIL 1 1999
Mandy was with Nick at the video shoot in Los Angeles CA for the BSB's new single, "I Want It That Way". She mostly remained low-key and hung back and watched the filming. She didn't mingle with the fans and mostly kept to herself.

April 1999
Throughout Europe, mostly UK and Germany Mandy was seen at interviews and events.

May 10 and 11th in NYC, NY
Mandy attended the BSB's taping of their Disney In Concert Special. She sat in one of the balconies with Leighanne, Brian's girlfriend.

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