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Purpose with passion
by Ray Shin

Passionate? Or Purposeful?
We at The Mission are a group in need of purpose. Sometimes we just don’t see that. I’ll have to tell you, my first reaction would be that we are just not a very passionate group and that we just need to get off our butts and get involved. But what good would passion be if there was no way to channel it towards some kind of purpose. When I spoke a couple of Sundays ago, I spoke about loving and serving others. I spoke about how we need to reflect on how we are serving, if at all. Are we spiritually serving others in our group? Are we open enough to get up and pray for someone, or have a spiritually led conversation after Sunday service? And the thing that struck me was this: do we know how to serve? I’m sure that I said something like that it’s hard to find ways to serve and sometimes loving others seems like an abstract kind
of thing. How can I really love others? It’s tough, but at the same time, it’s not too hard to figure out. Just look at Jesus. He led a life of servanthood. He was God Almighty, but still he came and subjected himself to acts of humility, never once thinking of himself. Boy, I wish I could have even an ounce of the kind of attitude that leads to serving in that way. And we can. God is gracious and He is good. And if you ask of Him, He will answer your prayers, especially if your prayer is to be more like Jesus. Don’t think that He won’t do it. Don’t think that He can’t do it either. He loves each and every one of us so dearly and wants so much to give us His good gifts. He is able and willing to mold us and make us in the image of Christ. All we need to do is ask. Do you have a servant’s attitude? More importantly, do you want one? Ask and He will give it to you. I’ve always asked God for more of a passion for Him. I’ve always felt that I’m just not on fire for God. But without the purpose in mind of serving Him and serving others, what good is the passion?

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