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                                      *~The Keepers~*
Muran(the founder), keeper of :
    ~  Greg Proops' Groovy Glasses
         Sense of Fashion
         Funky Hair
         and Sexy Voice
Sharilyn, keeper of :
    ~ Richard Vranch & Laura Hall's versions of the hoedown music
Lisa, keeper of :
    ~ The Neon Love Chicken Shirt
Jules, keeper of :
    ~ Greg Proops' caustic wit, sharp suits, and sharper tongue
Molly, keeper of :
    ~ Rory Bremner's Socks
Steph, keeper of :
    ~ Tony Slattery's maroon Colonel Sanders outfit
    ~ Colin's hair
    ~ Greg Proops' suit, with the lime-ish green shirt, and darker green,
      checky-ish tie
Dana2, keeper of :
    ~ Ryan Stiles' shoes; hair care products, and whatever is in his
   ~ The water pitcher and glasses used during the show
dana, keeper of:
~ Greg Proops' Skull shirt, and shiny silver shirt
           (want to see these shirts? go here
Angie, keeper of:
~ Colin's Faint
    ~ Colin' Dinosaur impression
Emile, keeper of:
      ~ Colin's scottish accent
Claudia, keeper of:
      ~ Ryan Stiles' red tie
    ~ Ryan's scent (as in what he smells like...)
Lint, keeper of:
    ~ Richard Vranch's red piano, and white piano
Molly, keeper of:
~ Sandi Toksvig's blond hair
Jeffy B, keeper of:
~ Julian's colorful shirt and sense know...
    ~ Stephan Frost's sausages
    ~ Caroline's drippings
Paula, keeper of:
~ Colin's woody woodpecker tie
Omarsnake, keeper of:
    ~ Josie's beautiful red hair
Solstice, keeper of:
    ~ Richard Vranch's Guitar collection
    ~ Ryan's Elvis impressions
Kathy, keeper of:
    ~  Steven Frost's eyebrows
Jamie, keeper of:
    ~  Brad Sherwood's MANY great aspects
    ~ Drew's cute lil' laugh
    ~  The hats they used during "Hats"
Natalie, keeper of:
    ~ Greg Proops' Scooby Doo impression
    ~ Ryan's Liberace impression
    ~ Drew's Glasses
Danielle  Misa, keeper of:
    ~ The look on Greg's face, after Colin kisses him
    ~ The Colin Hoedown
    ~ Pulling a Greg
    ~ Drew's smile
    ~ Drew's haircut
    ~ Greg's smirk
    ~ The word, "Pookie"
    ~ Greg's hands
Shannon, keeper of:
    ~ Tony Slattery's plaid pants
Stephanie, keeper of:
    ~ Greg Proops' Clive Abuse
    ~ The Going Bald Hoedown
    ~ Pulling a Ryan
    ~ Brad Sherwood's smiles
    ~ The word "Ortnoy"
Okie, keeper of:
    ~Brad Sherwood's "I'm trying not to laugh" look
    ~ Brad Sherwood's dimples
    ~ The Green Screen
    ~ Wayne's smile
    ~ Brad Sherwood's shirts
Sue B, keeper of:
    ~ Brad's slick backed hair
    ~ Brad's sexy voice
    ~ Brad's retro shirts
Natalie Elizabeth, keeper of:
    ~ Brad's announcer voice
    ~ Brad's monkey dictionary/thesauraus
    ~ Brad's to die for, smile
    ~ Wayne's cool dance moves
    ~ Greg's tact
    ~ Colin's extendable legs
    ~ Ryan's menagerie of animals
Nitekandil, keeper of:
    ~ The "minute" during each episode, that Ryan gets a funny dig into Drew!!!!
    ~ Wayne's "look" at Colin, when he challenges him to a song title during Greatest Hits
    ~ Ryan's question, "How much would you pay for this?"
    ~ The infamous, Ryan "Deer In The Headlight" look
Javawench, keeper of:
    ~ Ryan's chef hat, that made him look like "Jiffy Pop"
Mel, Keeper of:
    ~Ryan, Colin and Greg's John Wayne impressions
    ~ Wayne's break dance moves
    ~ Brad's wicked shirts
    ~ Pulling a Colin
    ~ Greg's crazy laugh
Lynn, keeper of:
    ~Brad's Regis Philbin impression
    ~ Ryan's Grand Champion winning poodle(deceased)
    ~ Greg's gremlin
    ~ A jar of almonds
    ~ The Ballad of Leonard the Lawyer
    ~ Ryan's Piano player in the wild west saloon
    ~ Wayne's Scooby Doo impression
    ~ Colin's Yogi Bear impression
    ~ The Theme From Titanic
    ~ "You've Got Soul" the hit love song from "I Love Shoes"
Tiffany, keeper of:
    ~Brad's "" e-mail address
Nancy, keeper of:
    ~Wayne's Jimmy Durante
    ~ Wayne's Sammy Davis impression
    ~ "I Love Cheese" song
PBear, keeper of:
    ~Richard Vranch's terrific smile and sparkling eyes
Laura, keeper of:
    ~ Tony Slattery's hair gel, Lionel Blair, green velour jacket, shiney shoes, burgandy turtleneck and the face he makes when he's being camp
Jennifer, keeper of:
    ~ Tony Slattery, nothing else, just pure Tony...
Roadrat, keeper of:
    ~ Ryan's "Lewis" overalls from The Drew Carey Show
Heathen, keeper of:
    ~ Wayne, just plain ol' Wayne
Katherine, keeper of:
    ~ Captain Poultry
    ~ Colin's hair
    ~ Greg's retorts
    ~ Ryan's "squeaky - squeaky" noise
    ~ Jim Sweeney's nonchalant look
    ~ Steven Frost's accent
    ~ Stephen Fry's raps
Carrie Vance, keeper of:
    ~Brad's B-52 impression
    ~ Wayne's strip tease for the lunchlady
    ~ Colin's Green Screen
    ~ Ryan and Colin's onscreen smooch
Nick,keeper of:
    ~ All the scenes to rap
Kelly, keeper of:
    ~ The CONTINENT Africa
    ~ The African Chant
    ~ Brad's singing voice
    ~ Every "South Park" suggestion in " Film and Theater Styles" game
Monica B., keeper of:
    ~ Greg's VS arena
    ~ Chip Esten
    ~ Colin's "Roll In The Cream Cheese" song
    ~ Wayne and Chip's "e;Mozzerella yodel
    ~ Greg's exceptance speech for the Drew Carey Award
Sherwood01, keeper of:
    ~ Any game hosted by Tony Slattery, but particularly the game where Ryan rides Tony's camel
    ~ Ryan's electric shocks due to his impure thoughts, while watching Colin turn into a pig during Let's Make A Date
    ~ Brad Sherwood's high pitched "Woooo me!" voice
    ~ Josie and Mike's Cat Littertray love duet
    ~ Tony's infamous "Saliva Darts"
Linz, keeper of:
    ~All of the "3 Headed Broadway Star" songs, especially "Bubbles"
    ~ All the Loch Ness monster/Nessie references
    ~ The "Tight End" song
    ~ Both versions of the Scene To Rap background music
    ~ Tony's wardrobe mistress quote
DarkLovely, keeper of:
    ~ Tony Slattery: From his sense of humor to his sex fetishes
Whoser 4 Life, keeper of:
    ~Tony's Chippendale impression
    ~ Twiglets
    ~ Paul Merton's Alec Guiness impression
    ~ John Session's beautiful voice
    ~ Colin's "Is the pope Catholic?" question
    ~ Greg telling Drew that Africa is a continent, not a country
    ~ The African Chant
    ~ Tony's cluelessness
    ~ All of Tony's songs
Stephanie, keeper of:
    ~ Clive's lack of a neck
    ~ John Sessions(Wow! At least *somone* thinks he's funny :) )
Darcy Draven, keeper of:
    ~ Stephen Fry
~ Greg's Daffy Duck impression
~ The Cat
~ the COUNTRY of Africa
~ Ryan's final answer
~ Colin's Rogaine endorsement
~ Brad's sideburns
Sarah, keeper of:
    ~ Tony's "fondness for obscenities"
    ~ Greg's Surfer Dude impression
    ~ The times when Clive makes fun of the audience
    ~ Colin's hoedowns
    ~ Tony as the Party Quirks host
    ~ Whenever Paul suggests "Porno" for himself during "Film & Theater Styles"
    ~ Tony's singing voice
    ~ The dirty look Tony makes before he sings a dirty hoedown
Laura Caroline, keeper of:
    ~ Greg's "Bitchin' Wallabies" band
    ~ The World Worst Step
    ~ The doorbell and buzzer sound
    ~ Tony's " Riding A Donkey" hoedown
    ~ Ryan's ability to throw things up in the air and catch them in his mouth
    ~ Clive's pen
    ~ The bizarre props
    ~ All the lovely chaos surrounding "Jelly" (Or should that be "Jello"?)
Heather B., keeper of:
    ~ Clive Anderson's neck
    ~ Ryan's "Leg Humping Man"
    ~ Ryan's car shirt
    ~ Tony's fish-toothpaste commercial
    ~ Drew's six-word screw-up during "3-Headed Broadway Star"
    ~ Colin's "Tina Turny"
    ~ Wayne's Backstreet Boys impression
    ~ The look on Wayne's face when he sees Melissa's skirt pulled up to her waist
    ~ Ryan's " Don't worry, I brought a Trojan" hat
Ryukiba, keeper of:
~Tony Slattery's fringed jacket
~ Paul Merton's funky shirts (that he wears with his formal jackets and trousers)
~ the pants that Tony Slattery ripped
~ the red towel that Tony Slattery, Ryan Stiles, and Colin Mochrie used
ShannonluvsTony, keeper of:
~ Tony's split pants
~ Tony's Rupert the Bear voice
~ Tony's voice during the Lionel Blair jacket song
~ That one lock of hair that falls onto Tony's forehead ever so gracefully
~ Mike McShane's Calcuttan Slut impression
~ Clive's resemblance to the Criminologist in RHPS
~ Colin's resemblance to John Lithgow
~ Josie's breasts when Tony grabbed 'em in Helping Hands
~ Greg's patriotic quips at Clive
~ Ryan's ability to stomach whatever Tony feeds him
~ The Brie Test
Cass, keeper of:
~ The cat using all 9 lives
~ Captain Oblivious
~ The mini mircophones on their shirts and the normal one used when Drew goes into the crowd
~ Greg's Sean Connery impression
~ The cup on Drew's desk
~ The Whose Line cards on Drew's desk
JenKat, keeper of:
~The official "Syncronised Humping of Tony" league, (with teams spreading far and wide, LOL)
Jamie J. Second, keeper of:
~ Brad's handsome smile
~ Brad's singing voice
~ Brad's Laugh
~ Chip Esten's handsome smile
~ Chip Esten's laugh
~ Brad's eyes
~ Chip Esten's eyes
LucyCoeFan22, keeper of:
~ Ryan Stiles...good ol' Ryan Stiles :O) Laura P., keeper of:
~ Steven Frost's tight jeans
sweet smile
and hoedowns
Marilyn, keeper of:
~ Tony Slattery's ever-so-cute giggle
~ Clive and Colin's baldness
Carahitz20, keeper of:
~ Ryan's auctioneer voice
~ Ryan's socks he always pulls up
~ Greg's laser discs
Leann, keeper of:
~ Tony Slattery's Smile
~ The wig worn by Tony in the Barber Shop Helping Hands game.
~ Aftershave consumed by Ryan in same game as above.
~ Rory Bremner's impression of Tony
~ Clive and Greg's verbal warfare.
~ Tony's unusual grasp of the alphabet.
Rimsey Ryan-o-Phile, keeper of:
~ Keeper of Ryan being stalked by a Lion.
~ Ryan's "Double Take Man" and "Embarassed by his Erection Boy!"
~ Ryan's curtious behaviour to Female contestants
~ Ryan's constant "In Character" ability
~ Ryan's Bungee Jumping Cord
~ Ryan's SFX ability!
Sara P., keeper of:
~ Chip Esten's "The Chippendale Kid"
~ Colin Mochrie's "Captain Hair"
~ The "Sex Change" Hoedown
~ Chip Esten's sexy face
~ The in-the-middle-of-mad-and-amused face Colin makes while the others make fun of him
~Greg's impression of Colin during the World's Worst Dating Videos segment
Toni, keeper of:
~ Steve Frost
~ Tony Slattery
~ Tony Slattery's Leather clothing
Huzlinefan, keeper of:
~ All of Colin's witty puns
~ Clive's biting remarks
~ Songs of the Plumber
~ Wayne's Jar-Jar Binks impression
~ The shark-fin-shaped props (Giant Parrot,evil smurfs,the claw)
~ Tony Slattery's cross-eyes and ballet
Paige, keeper of:
~ Brad's celebratory reactions
~ Wayne's sheepish sideways glance
~ Colin's reporting on his own antics
~ Ryan and Colin's chemistry
Stylin_roxi, keeper of:
~ Ryan's face
~ Ryan's smile
~ Ryan's laugh
~ wheel of mucus
~ Ryan's shoes
~ Ryan's eyes
~ Ryan's "Ya-hoo" cowboy hat
~ Ryan's points
~ whatever Ryan does during the intro when Drew announces his name
~anything BLUE!
Melakward, keeper of:
~ Ryan's Austrailian Accent
~ The episode where Colin bangs the gavel too hard on the "Courtroom game", and the head of the gavel goes flying
~ Colin's phrase "I didn't even do nothin`"
~ Josie and Chip's real names (Wendy and Charles).
Squirt, keeper of:
~ Greg's good and bad angels
~ Greg's dancing
~ Greg's purple jacket and black shirt
~ Greg's Man Who Taps You On The Shoulder To Fake You Out Man
~ Greg as superhero: "Nixon's come back from the dead! time for that!"
~ The shocked look Tony gets after he's said something really rude
~ Tony as doctor: "put your breasts together..fflllbbflllllbbb"
~ Colin on the green screen
~ The two lefties, Drew and Colin
~ Mike McShane's "porcine frottage"
Whoserchick, keeper of:
~ Tony's "in love with the bartender" song to mike
~ Tony's ability to host a good party with good themes
~ Tony's burst of giggles
~ When tony cowers into his hands then pops up before starting a hoedown
~ The hat Tony wears in the boy scout "helping hands" with ryan
~ Greg's "It's a jam shortage"
~ Ryan's Roller Coaster Ride
~ Ryan's Halloween Hoedown
~ Wayne's Tina Turner
Wendy, keeper of:
~ Ryan's Smile
~ Anything ryan likes to wear
~ Ryan's ability to be funny
BlueAngelGal, keeper of:
~ Greg's cow print vest
~ Tony's invisible underpants
~ Ryan's "birth to death in 30 seconds"
~ Colin's hoedown about firefighting (the one that was half in mock German and had nothing to do with the actual topic)
~ Clive's ties
~ the table from "Psychiatrist" and "Stand, Sit, Lie Down"
~ Wayne's African tribal chant (with background singers - "aahh-ooom" - and elephant dancing)
Jessica, keeper of:
~ The negligee that Brad wore for that cable guy
LennyAaronRoxx, keeper of:
~ Brad's Super Rabbi
~ Colin's one liners
~ Brad's Mic Jagger and Bruce Springstean impression
~ The stools
~ the water pitchers
~ All the Scene's from a hat...hat
Leia Solo, keeper of:
~ Jim Sweeney's Blackmailer impression(and accent)
~ Tony's Princess Margaret impression
~ Colin's Canuckiness
~ Greg's verse about Tony during the Sex hoedown
~ Every bit of Ryan that hasn't been claimed already
Jessica, keeper of:
~ Ryan's hip black and white '40'sesque shoes
~ Wayne's incredible singing talent
~ Greg's several pairs of glasses
WliiaNut, keeper of:
~ the faces everyone makes when drew introduces them
~ all the chairs, stools, glasses, pitchers, and cards used in the show
~ brad sherwood, plain n simple
~ brads monster truck pull impression
~ the mikes used
~ all of the hats used during "dating service video"
~ all props
~ all scenes from a hat
~ both the country and continent of africa
~ all of drews screw ups
~ leonard the lawyer
~ all songs played
~ anything and everything that has to do with or is associated with the show
~ bragging rights of never having missed an episode
~ the title of "THE #1 WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY FAN"!!!!
If any of you keepers want a banner for your webpage, to show you are a proud WL keeper, please click here!