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1. Who assassinated Grand Duke Ferdinand of Austria in 1914?

2. What were first introduced in 1917?

3. Name three countries in the triple-alliance of WWI?

4. What was Manfred von Richtofen's nickname?

5. The Lusitania was sunk off the coast of what country?

6. Who was the new head of the Richtofen squadron after the Red Baron was killed (hint: In WWII he was a key official in the Luftwaffe)?

7. What epic battle started in France on April 9th, 1917?

8. Who was British Prime Minister at the end of WWI?

9. Who was assigned the task of preparing the Canadians for Vimy Ridge?

10. World War One ended on what date?

email me at with your answers and I email you back with your score and the answers

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