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Happy Birthday Dennis

Dennis Michael Jameson
Born: September 28, 2000

You soar amongst the heavens on angel wings
Your love helps to guide us through all the tragedies.
Our hears search the distant skys
And we know that you are there, watching us with your loving eyes
And gracing us with the warmth of your loving smiles.
Not a day goes by when you are not in my thoughts
Not a day goes by when I don't ache to hold you once again.
The pain of losing you created a hole in my heart that will not mend
Love Mommy
A note from the assistant webmistress, Amber.
Jill is a wonderful person. Most of all a wonderful friend & Sister! :)
I love ya Jill.
We will always be missing Dennis & Cameron. :) I love ya!

Angel Candles