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Happy Birthday Brandon

Brandon Scott Perkins
Born: March 30, 1986

My Precious Brandon,
It's so hard to believe this is your 16th
birthday, and even harder to believe that
we don't get to spend it with you. Not
an hour goes by that we don't think about
you. We miss your beautiful smile and your
handsome face. Our house is so lonely
and quiet, without your laughter to fill
the rooms. You were taken from us so
suddenly and the fact that we didn't get
to say goodbye or get to be with you
just adds to our grief and pain. Please
know how much we love you and miss you
and know that you will always be in our
hearts. Our promise to you is to always
keep your memory alive.
Happy Birthday Our Precious Angel,
we'll light a candle for you.
We love you so very, very much Brandon.

Angel Candles