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Happy Birthday Jeselyn

Jeselyn May Seps
Born: January 29, 1984

Happy 18th Birthday sweetheart.
Jeselyn, there is not a single moment
in a single day that goes by that I do
not think of you and miss you sweetheart.
A part me died with you when you left me.
Remember that I love you yesterday, today
and tomorrow, & always...
You are forever a part of my heart and soul.
Love has no boundaries, so until we meet
again please, keep shining down
on me from heaven...
The day you were born I held you and felt
that I had truly been blessed...
Such a beautiful baby your were with such
a sweet disposition. You were my "JOY"
in this life and I was so proud to be your
'mom'. We shared a special bond that
transcended the normal mother daughter
relationship, and never in a million
years - NEVER - would I have thought that
you would not be here in person to celebrate
your 18th birthday!
I pray that you are happy and at peace in
your new place, on the other side. With
soft, ocean, breezes caressing your
beautiful face, and blowing your hair, and
many horses to ride...
And may the knowledge of how very much you
are loved and missed, sustain you until we
are together once more...
For wherever you are I am there with you, as,
you are forever part of my heart and
eternal soul...
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart."

Angel Candles