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Our tears run together today...God be with us.

All stars lit on this page are adult Angel stars.
May they burn bright forever.

Please don't cry...
I am here right by your side.
Look up and see me...
the brightest star
in the night!

Please send the date your angel
was lost as that is the day God not
only opened his arms up to greet them,
but also the day a star was Born.
If you have a homepage for your lost
Angel please send that too. Links for
lost angels will be in yellow on the
Angels name. You may also send a photo.

Free Birthday Candles for your loved ones.

Please sign View

ALL GRAPHICS MADE BY AND COPYRIGHTED BY CYNTHIA GEISLER. This site maintained by Cynthia Geisler, but Amber runs it!. E-mail address