never assume that things will go your way never assume that tomorrow will be a better day never assume that there are more fish in the sea never assume that one hit, won't turn into three never assume that words never hurt never assume that once broken, it could never work never assume people understand never assume someone actually gave a damn never assume you know me never assume your getting the whole story never assume for your most likely wrong never assume that we belong
the adults who live today are what we become viewing eyes develop through what mommy and daddy have done for some it's not so bad a perfect life so to say but sheltered as they often are naive to the worlds ways others have to fight to avoid raging fists a brusied mother watches as her child takes the hits many girls suffer from the hands of twisted men who enjoy there compulsion of manipulating them so don't be surprised if the son beats his wife or if the girl makes her money working the streets at night we become what we see as you see what we become we are tomorrows yesterday living through what you begun
sew up the wounds patch up the scars to leave not a trace of this relationship of ours hit after hit she takes with a scream for when she was a little girl this was not her future dream but this man she loves so she takes his every hit lost in a world of pain to him she does submit as the hits get harder and the bruises get darker she feels the love for him no longer she loves only the blade that lye's upon her wrist no pain, she slowly sighs as the blood begins to drip each droplet contains the pain she did suffer for no reason at all at the hands of her lover
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