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Sarah Tessier





wash me off with water 
if you think i am so dirty
take the time to scrub me with your own words
rub soap against my skin 
if you think my thoughts smell bad
breathe yourself into me and make me you
dress me in your clothes
change my face 
make me you
make me do as you do 
make me feel as you do
wash me off with water
make me what you are
and do your little dance 
on the soul that was once 
but now lives in the wasteland
of people who were different
but now walk as you do
as we all are


"i love you"
            you hate me
"you're beautiful"
            i am ugly
i sit crying beside them
            they turn the TV up louder
            they yell at me
            they call me names
            they kiss me goodnight
i see my ticket out 
            soon the pills take effect
there's my kiss


the past will never be again
but thoughts of you flood my head
our passion flew on gas-soaked wings
burned so bright
we could not see
our heat rose up beyond the sky
scorched this life of mine
so our days have passed form earth my friend
the tears the end the end
the end.


and now
i think i love you
and now
i want to hold you near
and now  
i am obsessing
i want to hold
your soul
and read
the words
written there
and now 
i want to own you
and now
i want to give myself
to you
am i only dreaming?
the way your eyes 
were shining
when you looked 
down upon
my naked limbs
and now 
my soul is lonely
i think of you
your everyday chores
thoughts of me
never a thought
what would it take to 
love me?
a thousand wishes
never to come true


don't talk to me
of trivial things
those words 
will not heal
my wounds
pat me on the back
and say
"it'll be okay"
your hand only makes me hurt
where i didn't hurt
don't hand me your kleenex
to wipe away
my tears
don't take from me
all i have left


                               whispered words
                                carried on breath
                         from your body to mine
                                     the words
                                     i love you
                         only a beginning
                           not even close 
                      to what i really feel
                                      all the feelings 
                     are in the fingers
                            in the limbs
                            on the breath
                       being thrust within
                                          such feelings
                       are beyond love
                they carry on the moans
                      which we try to hold in
                 but must let go
                      before we
                explode with such a feeling
              that makes us want to cry
              that makes us want to become 
                                we become whole 
                           as we are attached
                  for that one moment when 
                                our love
                     is beyond love
                    with each moan
                             each touch
               each silent word and feeling
                   carried on breath


cold here
how will i survive
your arms?
so strong
you kept 
all the pain
let only the good times in
they play like pictures
in my head
you are gone


our relationship's
       we used to
       love so sweetly
and kiss onetwothreefourfive kisses in seconds
it was a special love
                    and what i want to know is
why did we let them break us
my love?


this is a poem to my cat Henry
whom i have pushed away 
and forgotten to feed
whose soft orange fur
sometimes tickles
and forces me to want to push him away
i have ignored your scratching at my window
when it was cold outside
because i thought you were warm enough
and because i thought you knew
i've loved you all your life
and that i'll cry when you're gone
but now i see that no cat 
knows that about himself
but must be
and scratched
because i think that you're not just a snotty cat
you're not just a brat
who leaves mice guts on the porch
you will always be 
that curious kitten
attacking my feet
in the living room


sometimes life feels lke a dark blank page
no one's around you,
you're too old to age
you're all alone in this cold dark world
there's no one to care,
no one to hold
you feel dead
you feel like dying
you can't cry the tears for the crying
"be happy"
people say
only you feel this hateful rain
still others come
one more each day
still you sit in your corner
wilting away


over the years you have been my friend
although sometimes i wonder why?
you've made me laugh
given me your crafty look
with its crooked smile
i remember times
when i would cry 
and was falling apart
you were strong
and held me up like a foundation
i lean on you 
more than you know
you allow me to pretend i am independent
but i know that if you walked away
i would crash to the ground
for a house cannot stand without a foundation
a person cannot lean 
if a tree isn't there to hold them
thank you for being my tree
my friend


     Beneath the dark blanket of night, 
cries carry on the wind
     In a corner a child cowers weeping
from the pain that tears within
     Suddenly the child opens its eyes
to see the man standing there
     A mangled hand raises in the night
then strikes with pain through the air
     The child falls back as it's hit
colliding soft bones with the wall
     This practice is so frequent
that the child doesn't notice the fall
     Your children grow up, mom and dad
     Your children go into the world
     But they remember the pain you gave them
     Your innocent boys and girls
     Beneath the dark blanket of night
a hand raises, knife within
     the child stands above this so-called father
blood on his face, and a grin


i hold your essence in these hands i call mine
but really they are what you gave to me
i touch these hands
they have dried a thousand tears
made a thousand dinners
smoothed a thousand band-aids
and wished a thousand times for recognition
i see your essence in these eyes i call mine
but really they are what you gave to me
i watch these eyes
they have cried a thousand tears
crinkled with laughter
shone with love
and hidden a thousand hopes behind their reflection
i feel your essence in this body i call mine
but really it is what you gave to me
i feel this body
it has carried three children
carried a love often ignored
carried this mother's burden
and wished a thousand times for reciprocation
i see you, the mother i call mine
but really you are more than what you gave to me
i see you mother
you have supported me a thousand times
loved me when no one else would
been what no one else could
my mother.


the wings that wrapped around me
were soft against my skin
they kept me from my sorrow
and blocked me from the wind
the wings that have flown me
high above my pain
picked me up when i was down
far above the acid rain
the wings that have touched me
made my body sing
they brought warmth to every pore
and gave me my wings
now i lay here cold and scared
eyes sweeping the empty sky
my only hope is for the wings to grip me tightly
and fly.


i devour
those around me
i devour
i thirst
for impossible liquids
i thirst
for escape from myself
i long
for someone
touch me 
i long
for comfort
an embrace
but there is a 
in the mirror
where once shone
my face.


an easy cunt is all they see
they shoot their indifference inside of me
the prison of their arms afterward
holding me like it's some reward
dry lips upon my open skin
i used to think it meant everything
orgasm as they fuck my soul away
someday real soon they say
someday soon i am no more
no on remembers this useless whore


my sister has cancer
they will cut the skin 
from her back
and replace it
with skin from her ass
i can't help but think that soon
it will all be six feet under
we will buy pretty flowers for the wooden box her body is in
and i will drink 
as i have never drunk before
that reminds of the time she made me drink pee
when i was five


and this is the way
my mother cleans her face
and this her
which holds her bottles
of creams
of lotions
of youth
and this is the way
she is
rubbing rubbing rubbing
into her lines
which speak of tears
and laughter
and show that she has lived
but she is only 
rubbing rubbing rubbing
them away
those which speak, to her,
of the old woman 
she has become
and this is the way 
she becomes beautiful
making her lines 
and her self

Author's Bio

i am an 18 year old girl who has no idea what she's doing with her life, but makes enough money to live off of, and happens to be able to write poetry. i have just moved to Edmonton (damn it's cold here) from Vancouver from Kamloops from Red Deer from Rolling Hills. I eventually hope to settle somewhere.

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