We stand as tall as angels when we kneel to help a friend
I am the proud daughter of a 10 year survivor of Breast Cancer. When my mother was diagnosed, it seemed as if I couldn't find enough information. Now, because of the internet there are literally thousands of pages of information available. This page is my part of support and dedicated to Annabelle, a strong and proud womyn with one breast. I love you Mom.
The above bear is a Bear which supports all cancers. I urge you to visit
the site of Susan, someone who did not survive this deadly disease. Please click on the above bear to visit her site.
Canadian Breast Cancer Network
The Song playing is "Ave Maria"
by Celene Dion
Copyright and all rights reserved
The music here is purely for entertainment and educational
purposes only, without any commercial interest
whatsoever or profit of any kind. Titles have copyright
by their respective artists and record companies.