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        Happy 22nd Birthday Prince Umberto

        Darlin' Prince Umberto ~ this page is for you
        my son, my life and my 'reason for living'
        So often through so many difficult times in our lives, you
        have always brought me joy and happiness
        We were fortunate to have so many Aunties and Uncles
        and grandparents, but when it came down to the crunch
        it was you and me
        I admire & love you for the man you are now
        and miss the child that you were
        We were fortunate to have met John and we are
        blessed to have him in our lives

        ...because you were born to me
        and then I believed in miracles
        when I saw your face, when I gazed
        into your eyes....I believed in Angels
        I saw your soul, your spirit
        ....then I believed

        Love you more than all the stones
        on the beach..more than all the stars
        in the sky.....I love you more than
        My Son, My Life

        'DARE TO DREAM'
        "..and then be brave enough to follow
        those dreams"

        "...You know the dream is like a river
        ever changing as it flows
        And the dreamer's just a vessel
        that must follow where it goes
        Trying to learn from what's behind you
        and never knowing what's in store
        Makes each day a constant battle
        just to stay between the shores
        ~~~~ Garth Brooks, Victoria Shaw"


        For My Grown Son

        My hands were busy through the day
        I didn't have much time to play
        The little games you asked me to
        I didn't have much time for you.

        I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook,
        But when you'd bring your picture book
        And ask me please to share your fun,
        I'd say: "A little later, son."

        I'd tuck you in all safe at night
        And hear your prayers, turn out the light,
        Then tiptoe softly to the door . . .
        I wish I'd stayed a minute more.

        For life is short, the years rush past . . .
        A little boy grows up so fast.
        No longer is he at your side,
        His precious secrets to confide.

        The picture books are put away,
        There are no longer games to play,
        No good-night kiss, no prayers to hear . . .
        That all belongs to yesteryear.

        My hands, once busy, now are still.
        The days are long and hard to fill.
        I wish I could go back and do
        The little things you asked me to.
        ~~~ Janell Sanders

        This page is from Dad & Mom
        With all our love
        Forever & Ever

        Robbie and Grandma..the woman who helped
        me raise this child...Thanks Mom..*smooches*

        Robbie and Kaitlin


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