Here are some of my favorite quotes:
- Samoan: "Your dog's eating my godzilla!"
- AJ: "Harry, just calm down! Now I'm serious, man to man, I love her."
Harry: "Way wrong answer! *bang*"
- AJ: "It's all fun 'till someone gets shot in the leg!"
- Grace: "Listen Harry, AJ is my choice, my choice and not yours."
Harry: "He's the only one your age practically Grace, it's not a choice, it's a lack of options."
- AJ: ""Well you know, being in business for yourself has its advantages... make
my own hours, nobody shoots me in the leg... You don't got a gun on you now,
do you?""
- Rockhound: "I don't mean to be the materialistic weasel of the group, but
do you think we'll get hazard pay out of this?"
- Harry: "One more thing, none of them wanna pay taxes again. Ever."
- Rockhound: "Wait! I know this one. This is where the coyote puts himself into a sling shot and
straps on an ACME rocket."
Harry: "Rockhound..."
Rockhound: "No, I'm serious, things didn't work out too well for the coyote."
Truman: "Well we have much better rockets than the coyote."
- AJ: "I'm marrying you."
Grace: "You bet your ass you are."
- Lone Shark: "You don't look so good, you're not going to die on me are you?
Rockhound: "Let's just say, no more than you."
- Rockhound: "I'm in town doing a little astronaut training. I'm a Mission Specialist."
Molly Mounds: "What does that mean?"
Rockhound: "I don't know."
- Chick Jr: " Mommy, that salesman's on TV."
- Rockhound: "Wow, look at this view of the Earth. Too bad we'll never set foot on her again."
- Rockhound: "Hey, Harry, did you know that we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear
weapon and a thing that has two hundred thousand moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes
you feel good doesn't it?"
- Rockhound: "Why do I do this? Because they money's good, the scenery
changes, and the let me use explosives, ok?"
- Harry: "Please, God, just a little help. That's all I ask."
Max: "I think we're close enough that he might've heard you."
- Chick: "Harry, the clock on that nine foot nuclear weapon is ticking."
- Rockhound (sitting on the nuclear warhead):"dahdahdahdah!"
Sharp: "Get off the nuclear warhead."
Rockhound: "Have you seen that movie where that guy rides the warhead all the way into the..."
Sharp: "Now."
Rockhound: "Didn't see that one, heh? Just wanted to feel the power between my legs, brother."
- Sharp: "No fire, I repeat, no fire."
Rockhound: "No fire? What does that mean?"
Sharp: "It means we got a busted ship."
Rockhound: "A busted ship? And I'm strapped in here!? I had a perfectly nice place picked out out
- Lev: "American componants, Russian componants. All made in Taiwan!"
- AJ: "We all gotta die, right? I'm the guy who gets to do it saving the world."
- AJ: "You can't do this to me! It's my job!"
Harry: "It's my turn now. You're job is to take care of my little girl."
- AJ: "Harry'll do it, I know it. He doesn't know how to fail."
- Harry: "We win, Gracie." *BOOM*
- Chick: "I never told anyone this before, but I hate flying, so it would be a shame to die now."
Rockhound: "Easy for you to say. I borrowed one hundred grand from a lone shark and spent it all
on a stripper named Molly Mounds."
- Sharp: "Miss Stamper? Col. Willie Sharp, United States Air Force.
Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter..... of the bravest
man I've ever met."
*I've gotten some emails telling me that my quotes aren't correct.
I am trying to change them so they are all correct, but if you notice a
mistake, please email me and tell me nicely, and I'll fix it.*
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Email: koala_girl@hotmail.com