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          Native Herb Tea's  Information :


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Burdock Root

Turkish Rhubarb  Root

Sheep Sorrel

Slippery Elm Bark

Blessed Thistle

Red Clover




These HERB's do not contain any
Chemicals, Pesticides or Artifical Ingredients.
Our Alter - Native Herb Tea is made from
a Special Blend of * 8 * Organic Herbs
these are Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel
Slippery Elm Bark, Turkish Rhubarb Root, Blessed Thistle,
Kelp, Red Clover and Watercress.
Native Indian Tea looks and tastes just like
an Herbal Tea. Herbal Health Tea Remedies are
taking the country by storm since
people can now enjoy a great
Herbal Health Tea without any Additives.
Each Package is safely sealed
in Packages of " 4 " Ounces to Bulk Pound Size.
Our Native Indian Tea is Available Order it Now.

    This Alter-Native Herb Health Tea is an Evolutionary product
that is chemical and pesticide-free.
 Native Indian Tea herbs have very good
reputations with the health food industry and herbalists.
Their histories and other information can be found
in numerous herbal and health books.

Our Native Indian Tea is the highest quality non-treated
Herbal Tea in the World. They aren't filtered and look
and taste just like an Herbal Tea. Native Indian Tea
is the Original Native Indian Tea Formula.

    NATIVE INDIAN TEA offers a basic healthly solution.
 NATIVE INDIAN TEA is additive free. The Herbs
in our Tea's are Naturally Organic and are not cured or
processed like other Herbal Tea Remedies.

The vast majority of Health Tea drinker's alike say
    that the taste from Alter - Native Herb Tea is a lot more effective to
 their health and wellbeing than regular Tea Health products.

Everybody, except the folks from the major
Tea companies, agree that the arrival of
Native Herb Tea has been long over due. Our Herb Tea is
considered by many to be a Great Alternative Health Remedy.
In fact, many Herbal Tea Remedy drinker's believe
Our Product is Superior to other Remedies.





Native Indian Tea has a history dating back more than 300 years. Believed to have great health power, the Formula was originally prepared by the Native Indians of North America.

The non-toxic tea is a formula concocted of eight North American grown herbs: Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Red Clover, Watercress, Kelp, Blessed Thistle and Indian Turkey Rhubarb. All herbs grow abundantly in North America and must be mixed in the proper proportions and harvested correctly. Details of harvesting, handling and processing these herbs into the formula has never been made public. Native Indian Tea is currently being used throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Africa.

The Tea has also been used to alleviate Aids. The Aids Project in Los Angeles, "The project sent 179 patients home to die." However, they were given five of these patients. They immediately took them off AZT and DDI, and prescribed the Tea three times a day. They are exercising, eating three meals a day, and their weight is back to normal.

As people continue to seek alternative medical treatment, natural medicine seems to be gaining popularity. Native Indian Tea has also been recognized by people suffering from many Immune Disorders such as Arthritis, Lyme Disease, Aids, Herpes, etc. You don't have to wait until You are sick to start taking this Tea. It works wonders as an immune booster and also has a preventive, not to mention, cleansing of the blood. In other words, Native Indian Tea just might be worth a try. There has never been any proven side effects from the use of this Tea.

*Disclaimer: This Organic Tea is not FDA tested or approved as a treatment or cure for any health problems. This is a Non-medical, Additive, Chemical and Pesticide Free. An Original Native American Indian Tea. *1975-2021*


For FREE Information and to find out how to
purchase our Alter-Native Health Tea just E-mail Us.

There are No Health Stores that
carry Our Alter - Native Herbal Tea
Click On the
ARROW-HEAD button at the
bottom of this page to Order it Today.







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