Here is the fan fiction part of the site. These stories are not real. No one here knows the Backstreet Boys or their managment. These are just stories we have all made up from our imaginations, that is why it is called fan FICTION. Please don't copy or use these stories without the premission of the author. If you would like, I can send you a link, just ask first.
I would like some more hosted stories! If you would like me to host your story on here, just e-mail me, and let me know.
*Please sign the information feild down at the bottom if you have some extra time.
I will update whenever I can. It just depends on how much homework my teachers want to give me!

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My Stories

Golden Memories -rated pg
A short story. About Brian and his long time wife.

Memories Last Forever -rated pg
This is another short story, but is the sequal to Golden Memories . If you haven't read that story, I suggest you do.

A Way To Your Heart -rated pg
A story about a girl who just divorced her husband. She meets Brian, but can he help her through all her problems?

Close To Your Heart-rated pg
When one of the girls are at a park and meet Howie, and they join their friends, anything can happen...

One Snowy Day-rated pg
Three friends are out of school for one day. They are ready for a fun-filled day full of laughter, romance and of course snow.

A Crimson Love-rated pg
One car crash and one fight can turn ones girl's attitude about love around.

Unaware-rated pg
A trip at the mall before going to a concert can be real fun. Especially if something strange happens while you are there.

No Regrets-rated pg
A Short story about a girl names Samantha, and her one major brakeup with her boyfriend, AJ Mclean.

My Friend's Stories

The Singer- rated pg
This story is about when Brian is growing up and getting started with the Backstreet Boys. Then it tells about how he meets Janel, and their relationship.

A Match Made in the Stars-rated pg
This is a story about a girl who bumps into Howie on the street and finally finds the love that she never had. It also talkes about AJ, Brian and Nick.

Just Take my Hand-rated pg
This story is sure to warm your heart with its cool vibes and awesome story line. Erin, a performance arts major from the University of San Fansisco, has found the guy of her dreams in "The Big Apple" after a 2 year run of Hello Dolly on Broadway, but she wonders if whe will ever see this guy again as she returns to her home town of San Fransisco.

Hosted Stories

No One Else Comes Close-rated pg
A story about 2 girls who go to Disney World. Anything could happen when a ride brakes down and the only other people are the people behind you, The Backstreet Boys.

So Weird-rated pg
A short story by the same Authors of, "No One Else Comes Close". This is a different story, with a twist ending!

Nothing Is Chance-rated pg
Brian finds out he has new hole in his heart. He goes to a coffee shop early one morning to spend some time alone. While there he meets a girl who becomes his friend and helps him when tragedy strikes.

Nowhere to Run-rated pg-13
A touching story about a girl who has a troubled family life. She gets moved to Lexington and she finally finds happiness.

Falling-rated pg
This is the sequel to Nowhere to Run. Litt has changed her tune, and is now eighteen. She's free and out on her own...

Now I can see that we're falling apart-rated pg
This is a short story with all the BSB in it. It's one tear jerker!

Chemistry 101-rated pg
a short comedy about two girls who make a potion that put Brian and Nick under their control.

Going Solo-rated pg
A short comedy. What happens when AJ has a plan on stepping out as a single act..

The Magical Beanie-rated pg
Another short comedy. Nick makes a wish on a beanie baby a fan tossed on the stage.

Unbreakable Heart-rated pg
This is a chapter story with all the BSB in it.

The Weeping Willows-rated R
Written by Apassionada. It is a "Based on Backstreet" Story

Just a Normal Guy-rated pg
This is a story about a girl who meets Nick and the group on an elevator. Many things can happen, including going on tour with them, plus a whole lot more!

Understandment-rated pg
Do you think you understand the Backstreet Boys? You might want to think about it twice after you read this short story. It has the points of view from each of the guys

Love is Forever-rated pg
A 6 part story about Nick falling in love with a girl who is abused by her boyfriend. Can he help her, and can they find a relationship at the same time? This is a sad story, I suggest you bring your tissues.

Promise Me-rated pg
A very sad, but moving short story about Brian and a promise he had made someone very dear to him.

I'll Be Your Angel-rated pg
A short story where Brian and Nick's girlfriend have a secret together. Will they ever tell Nick?

Love Again-rated pg
A short story By the same author as I'll be your Angel. When AJ's one love dies, and her little sister comes into his life, a lot can happen.

I'll Be There For you-rated R
4 Girls' Dreams Come True...but a Dream isn't Reality... or is it?~ When the girls of Double Act meet the Backstreet Boys, they think it's all too good to be true! When they come to all the problems...maybe it is too good.

A Walk In Destiny Park-rated pg
With a quick walk around the park after a hard day of dancing things can change and change fast. With one tryout and a value to lose weight anything can happen with one walk through Destiny Park. You just have to have faith.

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