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Cherokee Alphabet


Pronunciation Guide

History of the Cherokee Language

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Legend: Each picture of a Cherokee letter is followed by its romanization, a comma, and the key to which that letter is mapped in a special font. Users of capable clients will see the key displayed in a fixed-width font.

The Cherokee Alphabet and Pronunciation Guide
a, a e, ` i, ~ o, q u, Q v, A
ga, s ka, n ge, 1 gi, ! go, w gu, W gv, S
ha, d he, 2 hi, @ ho, e hu, E hv, D
la, f le, 3 li, # lo, r lu, R lv, F
ma, g me, 4 mi, $ mo, t mu, T  
na, h hna, m nah, X ne, 5 ni, % no, y nu, Y nv, G
qua, j que, 6 qui, ^ quo, u quu, U quv, H
sa, k s, C se, 7 si, & so, i su, I sv, J
da, l ta, / de, 8 te, 9 di, * ti, ( do, o du, O dv, K
dla, V tla, Z tle, 0 tli, ) tlo, p tlu, P tlv, L
tsa, B tse, < tsi, _ tso, [ tsu, { tsv, N
wa, v we, > wi, + wo, ] wu, } wv, M
ya, b ye, \ yi, | yo, z yu, x yv, c

Sounds Represented by Vowels
a, as a in father, or short as a in rival o, as o in note, approaching aw in law
e, as a in hate, or short as e in met u, as oo in fool, or short as u in pull
i, as i in pique, or short as i in pit v, as u in but, nasalized

Consonant Sounds