Unknown Plants
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Herbal Information

Herbal remedies are many and varied; so make sure that you know what you are doing and as with any health problem seek the help of a professional physican.    Some herbs can be purchased already to take, but you have to know when and how long to take them.   Places like Wal-Mart sells herbs already bottled, but they are sold as a supplement and don't tell you much about taking them.

To check your current medications to see if there will be an interaction with an herb you can go to http://www.cvs.com.  This would be a good idea to check.

images/Echina1.jpg (28256 bytes)  Echnaciea: Pictured on the left should be taken no longer than 10 days at a time and then you should go off of it for 7 days, because it stimulates your immune system and if you take it for too long at a time your system builts up an immunity to it.    It shouldn't be taken if you have an immune system disease such as Aids.   I usually don't take it unless I feel a cold or flu coming on and then I'll take 2 a day for 2 or 3 days until I feel better.  Plants can be used for other things also; so check out the "Other Uses of Plants" page.

My Book "Medicinal Plants, Trees & Shrubs of Appalachia, A Field Guide" which lists 107 plants, with color photographs, is available at:  There is space on the back of each page for notes, plus weights & measures, dosages, gathering and drying herbs, type of preparations, herbal properties, plant terms, and a list of symptoms and what herb to use for them, when to gather, and how to use them; (a total of 145 pages, in 8 1/2 x 11 format).   You can look at the sample pages by clicking the link below.  You will need adobe acrobat reader to view it. 

Sample Herb book pages:


Herbal Links:

West Virginia Herb Associaton

Herbal information site.

Mountainrose Herbal Products

Native American Herbal Remedies.
Aroma Therapy Information.

Email Address: bchurch@CherokeeHawk.com