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Barry Cox and Associates--Core Values
Barry Cox And Associates Home Page

Three core values form the principles that guide us:
  • Integrity
  • Service
  • Excellence

Adapted From The United States Air Force Core Values


This is the basis of trust. It is our willingness to do our absolute best in everything we do. It forms the basis of respect and our attitude in working with others. Integrity consists of being:
  • Honest - Adherence to the facts; uprightness in character and action; adamant refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way
  • Courageous - Having the moral fiber to stand up for the truth and a just cause
  • Responsible - Reliable and dependable for accomplishing what we promise
  • Just - Being fair, equitable, impartial, unbiased, and objective
  • Open - Maintaining a readily accessible and a generous attitude
  • Respectful - Placing a high value on the worth of oneself and others; being attentive and listening carefully; taking care of one's own things as well as those of others
  • Humble - Avoiding excessive pride and arrogance
  • Humorous - Being quick and ready to see or express amusing relationships and insights
  • Enthusiastic - Lively admiration and energetic and unflagging pursuit of our aim


Service is what we do for others. We should think about how well we serve others before thinking about serving ourselves. Giving good service to others first consists of:
  • Respect For Rule & Law - Exercising good professional judgment; respecting judgments in place; able to make a good case when a judgment merits reconsideration
  • Discipline - Engaging in continuous training and performance to correct, mold, and perfect our mental faculties and moral character
  • Self-Control - Avoiding self-pity, discouragement, anger, frustration, and defeatism; maintaining a positive attitude; demonstrating religious tolerance


This is the product of integrity and service. It is a sustained passion for continuous improvement, creativity, and innovation that moves us to the next highest level and the next highest level after that. Excellence helps us make new discoveries and helps us render fantastic customer service both internally and externally. Excellence further consists of:
  • Personal Excellence - Working on personal virtues every day; engaging in continuous training to learn how to do things better; staying in physical and mental shape
  • Community Excellence - Being a good citizen in the community; taking an active role in at least one community effort; volunteering and serving the community in at least one way
  • Relationship Excellence - Seeing others as having fundamental worth; never discriminating on the basis of race, ethnicity, economic status, or gender
  • Resources Excellence - Taking care of precious resources ... time, materials, and people
  • Operations Excellence - Running a tight ship; being one of the best places to work in the world; building positive relationships with customers and the community-at-large

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