Hey guys! Did you know there is a presidential election next year? Goddamn, it's August of 1999 and we have already been hearing about this shit for months. It seems like candidates start earlier and earlier every year. I hate election years. I hate campaign commercials. I hate politics. And I especially hate...


As previously stated, I live in Texas. Bush has been our governor for awhile now, and I have hated him every day he has been in office. Luckily, governors don't do diddley squat, or else he could have caused some real damage. I have simply had to listen to his obnoxious southern twang commenting on stuff that other people are doing.

Georgie, as I like to call him, is the front-running GOP candidate. That is scary, people. This man has no political experience, and although that could be considered a good thing, in this case it is VERY VERY BAD. He has no position on anything. Why? Because he has no personal convictions of his own. He is one of those politicians that says what he thinks people want to hear, which is very different from representing the people.

There is a really funny web site at gwbush.com that parodies his actual web site and exposes him for the hypocrite and cretin that he is. Do you know what his reaction was to this site? He said (and this is an actual quote) "There ought to be limits to freedom." That's right Georgie boy, if there's something out there that you don't like, squash it like a bug! Do you really want a man who wants to take away your first ammendment rights to be our president?

George W. Bush is a spoiled, privleged aristocrat who is not in touch with the real world and if elected I am certain will cause major problems for the United States. I am hoping and praying that people will still remember their irritation with the republican congress say NO TO BUSH!

It's a real shame too because we finally had a woman candidate that looks like she could have a decent chance to make it to the White House. Elizabeth Dole never stood a chance because of all the money and ass kissing directed at Georgie. On the other hand, I don't feel that she would have made a good president and electing her just because she is a woman is not much different from electing Georgie because of who his daddy is.

And Al Gore? Yeah right. Next to Al, Georgie shines, which is pretty sad. That's it, I'm moving to Mexico. At least in Mexico the corruption is above board.