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Ale for Beur: :
Beur Tenlah stands in the tunnels not far from the tavern by the dock. He is thirsty, but too lazy to go all the way up to the tavern for his favorite dwarven brew. Go buy him a Dwarven Ale and you will gain some experience, faction and his thanks, as well as a new quest from his pal Harkin. Note: If you are an evil race the Ogre Paladin (How can this class exist?) will kill anyone evil who walks into the bar to buy the ale. So you need to buy it elsewhere before you go to Freeport. This quest no longer raises faction with the Freeport Militia. (Submitted by Rezo)
Corrupt Guards: :
The guards in Freeport are corrupt and the Paladin's Guild wants you to do something about it. Kill the guards and return their helmets to the paladin guildmaster one at a time for some decent money, experience and a faction adjustment. Beware that this quest will make you very unpopular among the guards as your faction will go up with the Knights of Truth and down with the Freeport Militia.
Deathfist Slashed Belts: :
There are 2 people who pay bounties on the belts. One is Captain Hazran of the militia, and he is located on the outside balcony of the militia HQ building. However, giving him the belts is a Bad Idea. This is because the militia is corrupt, as noted in another quest. So while you gain faction with the militia, you lose faction with the paladin, warrior, and I think cleric guilds. In addition, Hazran doesn't pay much in either money or experience. The best guy to take the belts to is Cain Darkmoor, who is located in the banquet room on the 2nd floor of the warrior guildhall. He pays between 1 and 8 sp per belt, gives more experience, and you gain faction with the warriors and paladins, although you lose it with the militia. When you give Cain a belt, he'll thank and ask you for help with his "bigger problem." Asking about this sends you to the paladin guild where you learn about the Corrupt Guards quest. (Submitted by Ospakar the Barbarian)
Death of Lyda Nasin: :
It is possible that you have to complete the message intercept quest first to get his quest. The guild master of the Ebon Masks in Neriak sends you to freeport to speak to the same dark elf who spawns at night down by the docks. She gives you a mission to kill Lyda Nasin, the daughter of the Owner of the Seafarers Roost. She spawns on the second floor of the Seafarers in the morning, however Dark elves are KOS if they enter the bar (with the new ability to move and stay hidden perhaps the thieves can now complete this one...) In any case an easier way to kill her is to hire someone to go upstairs and tell her that a ship has docked. She will come outside to the pier where she can be killed. You get faction, some cash, and a minor item. (Submitted by Feywin)
Exotic Drinks: :
This quest is probably the best quest in the game for a lower level magic user, especially an enchanter. It results in the Glowing Stein, a great magic item which gives +10 int, +5 dex, +10 hp and +20 disease resistance. The items can be collected by just about anyone, but you need an enchanter to finish the quest. I know the quest works every time with a level 20 enchanter who has illusion ogre and benevolence. It also can work in some instances with a level 12 enchanter who has illusion dark elf and alliance. It is a lengthy quest, requiring you to go all over the world to get items, but worth it. Clurg, the Ogre bartender in Ogguk, has lost his bartender's compendium and wants it back badly. It is currently held by Bartender Gregor, in Freeport. Fortunately, Gregor has a lust for exotic drinks, and lacks only the ingredients to make his dream concoctions. He will give you the compendium for those ingredients. He wants you to get him the following items: (1) a Kiola Nut, which can be purchased on the island of Erollisi for about 2 gp, (2) Erud's Tonic (see Erudin quests, basically a quick purchase and exchange), (3) Honey Jum from Rivervale (See Rivervale Quests)[note: You need an indifferent faction in Rivervale for this one or you need to trust a halfling to get it for you. If you can't find a trustworthy halfling, (I had the misfortune of initially getting ripped off by a particularly nasty halfling named Mappas who believed he could extort 5 pp for the honey jum after I gave him the items and a promise of 5 gp to get it) you can easily create one of your own and do the exchange since a level 1 can easily do this part of the quest], and (4) a Koalindl Fish from the lake in the Temple of Life in Qeynos. This is the hardest part of the quest. You will take a severe faction hit with several good factions and with Rodcet Nife himself for killing the fish, dropping several levels in faction, and you will get attacked and killed when you leave the water unless you gate in time. (There is also a paladin who will jump in and kill you in the water if he is nearby). The fish do not drop a corpse every time, so you may have to kill several fish, potentially making you kos with many clerics afterwards. Also, they are a slow spawn and are currently being camped quite a bit. To avoid the faction hits, you can create a new character and build it up to about level 3 to attack the fish (they are level 2 to 3). Also, as an alternative, I have been told that if you have a high enough fishing skill, you can fish a koalindl fish out of the pond in about a half hour or so. As an alternative Frostbite the Dog in WK sometimes drops a Koalindl fish if his master is not around, but you lose soom serious faction for this as well. Although the resulting drink sounds pretty foul to me, should you manage to gather all of these ingredients he promises to give you his bartender's compendium. Here is where you need a trustworthy enchanter. He must give Gregor the ingredients. Gregor will then give him 3 to 4 pp and the bartender's compendium, which is a no drop item. This has to be taken to Ogguk and given to Clurg the bartender there. Be aware that even under an illusion some ogres might attack you, so it might help to go invisible. Before giving it to Clurg, the enchanter needs to cast illusion ogre and benevolence. Or as a possible alternative, cast illusion dark elf and alliance. If his or her faction is not god enough, it won't work (I have had reports that indifferent has worked for some people and not worked for others, but that is probably the minimum he should con). Clurg will then give him the stein. Hopefully, he will then give it to you (hence the trustworthy part). I would say, assuming you can get sow when needed, you can do this quest in just about 3 hours (less if you have teleports).
Frikniller Family: :
If you ask Gren Frikniller, a bodyguard for the rogue guildmaster in East Freeport, who his sister is, he will tell you that it is Falia Frikniller, who is in North Freeport. He will give you a letter to take to her. When you give this letter to Falia in North Freeport, she will say thanks and give you a broken heirloom that she asks you to take back to Gren. She also gives you some faction, a little experience and a few coppers. When you give the heirloom to Gren, he just gives you some faction and a little experience, since he says the heirloom isn't worth anything anyways. The faction adjustments are as follows: For giving the letter to Falia, Merchants of Rivervale, Deeppockets, Guardians of the Vale and Mayor Gubbin go up, and Coalition of Tradesfolk III goes down. For giving the heirloom to Gren, Coalition of Tradesfolk III, Coalition of Tradesfolk I, Carson McCabe, Corrupt Qeynos Guards and Freeport Militia go up. [Warning these faction adjustments may have changed]
Going Postal: :
This is a massive quest involving most of the cities in Norrath. See the full quest description in AK'Anon.
Groflah Steadirt's Death::
Netuk Phenzon at the shadowknight's guild says that Lord Innoruuk has need of your services. Your [mission] concerns a man named Groflah Steadirt. Groflah has come into possession of a piece of parchment that was taken from one of the Dismal Rage's allies (whose identity is not your concern). You are instructed to find Groflah and kill him, while returning the note to Netuk. Doing this will improve your standing with the Dismal Rage and Opal Darkbriar and lower it with the Knights of Truth. As a side note, it's interesting to see that Verant has staged two totally opposite classes with opposing quests. You can't kill him while he is in his shop in North Freeport, or his corpse will disappear. Since he is a merchant at the time, he won't leave a corpse. You have to wait until he goes to the inn at the dock's in East Freeport. You can kill him there and loot the note from his corpse, and return it and receive a whole rat fur cap as your reward (1 AC). (Submitted by Himmaggery)
Hogcaller's Inn: :
In the warrior's guild, you are given a quest to investigate the Hogcaller's Inn. Apparently, someone is leaking information to the dark elves concerning the city defenses. Your contact is on the second floor. Tell her who sent you and she will give you some information and ask for a glass of wine. Give her the wine and she will give you the key phrase you must use with the innkeeper, something like I need mail for the 2nd room. He will ask you to prove it is your room by showing him the key. If you enter the middle room on the right on the second floor you may see Shintl Lowbrow. If she is there, wait for her to leave. She sometimes will pick up the key, in which case you have to kill her to get it. If she isn't there, look on the floor at the back left by the bureau for the key. Give the key to the innkeeper and he will give you the mail. Take the mail to the person who gave you the quest. She will tell you to take it to Toala, who is located on the top floor of the arena. Toala will then tell you to kill Shintl Lowbrow. Take her head and the letter back to Toala and give it to her, and she will inform you of a traitor named Opal. You must have a high enough faction with her to complete the quest. Over the course of the quest, you will get experience, faction adjustments, some money and perhaps an item. The quest seems to not be finished yet. (Submitted by Aeryk)
Illusion Cards::
I don't know of anyone who has even tried to complete this quest. In fact it may no longer be in the game, since nobody can seem to find this NPC anymore (I'm not sure of his name). There is a collector in Freeport seeking 14 rare Illusion cards. What he will give for these cards in uncertain. To check if a card is truly an illusion card, cast identify on it. Also, the cards have similar names to Magic the Gathering cards. So far I have only verified 4 of cards. They are: 1)Chrono Cyclone, 2)Ebon Lotus, 3)Diamond Vale, 4)Library of Erudin (all four dropped by Cheslin in Qeynos Hills) There are two others I 'm not sure of: Silver (from steamfont) and Oracle (loot in Crushbone). The playing cards dealt by various NPC's (king, queen, jack, knight, joker) are not illusion cards.
Journal Strongbox: :
This will only be given to players below level 9. Speak to Nusk Treton on the ground near the Arcane Science building. He will tell you to seek Lenka Stoutheart in Freeport and ask her for the Journal Strongbox, then return it to him. She can be found at an inn in West Freeport, but she will tell you that she dropped the box off a ship straight out from the dock at an Isle in the Ocean of Tears. The strongbox is found in the Freeport harbor. If you dive in and follow the coastline south, you'll see a shark hovering over a corpse (near where that lone fisherman is). Defeat or move the shark and you'll find the box there. It is called a locked chest. (Submitted by Ozman)
Lenka'a Pouch: :
You get this quest by talking to Toala in the arena. She will send you to see her friend on the docks named Lenka Stoutheart. She says that a rogue stole a pouch off her boat that has a voucher ticket for a part she needs to complete a repair to the boat. Her bodyguard gives you a description of the thief, which seems to match an NPC fisherman named Brunar Rankin. Brunar will deny being the villain and killing him does not get the pouch. If you stay with Brunar he eventually goes up into the Seafarers Roost and gives his 'Catch" to Gregor the bartender. If asked about Brunar, Gregor hints that he steals for him. Gregor says he will put the catch down in the storeroom, which by the way leads down to the Thieves guild, so this seems like the place to look next. (Submitted by James)
Lydl Mastat: :
A wizard guildmistress named Hemia Skemner at the top floor of the arcane science building wants to teach an apprentice named Lydl Mastat a lesson. You are supposed to find Lydl and kill him and return the locked book that he carries. He can sometimes be found outside the South Gate to the newbie zone of East Freeport near a couple of cacti. His is approximately level 5, but has a spell that makes him invulnerable to nonmagic weapons, so need to be killed with magic. Killing Lydl Mastat results in these faction adjustments: DismalRage and OpalDarkBriar get worse, KnightsofTruth gets better. You receive these faction adjustments when returning the book: ArcaneScientists and KnightsofTruth get better; OpalDarkBriar and TheFreeportMilitia get worse. (Submitted by Kozmo)
Marr Minnows for Palon: :
This quest will not be given to anyone over level 9. Palon Deskeb, one of the wizard guildmasters, wishes that the pond under the guild had some Marr minnows in it. He will give you a jar to fill with the minnows and bring back to him. The quest has a bug - he tells you about [Marr Minnows], but you need to ask him "What is a Marr Minnow?" singular instead of plural. Go to the exterior of the Hall of Truth. To the left side is a river, with minnows and piranha in it. When you give the jar to the minnow you get a message about the knights not liking people stealing the minnow, and the following faction adjustments: Freeport Militia and Coalition of Trades Folk gets better, Knights of Truth and Priests of Marr gets worse. You must keep giving the 'Jar of Liquid' to minnows until the jar turns into a Jar of Fish. Then give the Jar of Fish back to the wizard. You will get a whole ration for your trouble.
Message to Agent: :
One of the Knights in the Hall of Truth tells you that they have managed to place an agent inside the militia. unfortunately, the knight is afraid that the agent's position has been compromised. She wants you to take a letter of warning to him. You need to find the correct sentry. The sentry is one of the ones in the militia training house. Speak a code word to him and give him the note. He will give you another note back to take back to the hall of truth, as well as faction and xp. (Submitted by Ankhara)
Message Intercept: :
Raltur Calikson in the shadowknights guild asks you to [serve] your Lord, Innoruuk. He explains that much like the Dark Elves of Neriak use trolls and ogres as pawns,so does the Dismal Rage (the shadowknight guild) use the Freeport Militia. Raltur wants you to report to Sir Lucan D'Leer himself (found in the main militia building by the western gates), and tell him that you [are from the Shrine of Innoruuk]. You are instructed to do whatever Sir Lucan asks, because after all, little favors lead to large debts. Most importantly, if you find something important, you are to bring it to him, not Sir Lucan. Talking to Sir Lucan reveals a different attitude as he berates the Dismal Rage for being slow to send an agent. He even threatens to have them broken up and jailed. Finally he tells you that his guards have reported that there is a messenger from Qeynos staying at an Inn on the western edge of the Commonlands. You are to go and intercept this message. In fact you must kill Mojax Hikspin, who is sitting on the south ridge of the lake in the western Commonlands. He has the message that was ment for the Knights of Truth. (and is the source of the Paladin's Message quest) If you bring this message to Raltur Calikson in the Shadow Kngihts guild he will give you a first level spell (other than faction and exp adjustment) and he will give you another quest to kill the traitor (see traitor quest below). The faction for completing the quest is as follows: Freeport Militia - Better, Coalition of Trade Folk III - Better, Knights of Truth - Worse, Priest of Marr - Worse. (Submitted by Himmaggery)
Message of Warning::
This quest is given after you complete the Message to agent quest. The Knights of Truth agent inside the militia (which you uncovered in the Message to Agent quest) gives you a note which you are to take back to the hall of truth. The note says "Zimel's Blades", and a bunch of otherwise illegible writing. If you take it back to the knight who gave you the message to agent quest, she will give you xp and a faction adjustment. (Incidentally, though you shouldn't have to fight in this quest, there is a really good action sequence you might not want to hang around for). (Submitted by Ankhara)
Monk Orange Sash: :
The third monk sash quest. Reyia gives this quest. Monks possessing the yellow sash need to collect and deliver the yellow sash, orc legionaire's bracer, greater lightstone, and a cutthroat insignia ring to the guild master to receive the Orange Sash.
Monk Red Sash: :
The fourth monk sash quest. This has a very interesting story line, which need not be repeated here. To get the sash, you need to retrieve the blackened Wand (dropped by Priest Amiaz who is a random (rare) spawn in the lower level of Befallen behind the secret door) and the Sapphire of Souls (aka Darkened Saphire) from a thief in Najena. (Submitted by Suble)
Monk Yellow Sash: :
The second monk sash quest. Velan Torresk gives this quest. This one is much more difficult that the white quest. Monks possessing the white sash need to deliver the white sash, deathfist slashed belt, giant snake rattle, and a desert tarantula chitin to the guild master and you will receive a Yellow Sash.
Monk White Sash: :
Velan Torresk gives this quest. The monk guild master is willing to provide a special prize to young monks of promise. Collect and deliver 2 deathfist orc scalps, 1 bone chips, and 1 snake fang and you get a white sash which adds a little stamina and dexterity when worn.
A Muffin for Pandos: :
Find Pandos Flintside, a dwarf in the Hogcaller's Inn. Give him a muffin, and you'll get faction and a little experience. You can buy muffins from Pincia Brownloe, near the Theater of Tranquility. Raises faction with FaydarksChampions; King Tearisthex; ClericsofTunare and SoldiersofTunare. Lowers faction with Crushbone Orcs. Very useful faction adjustments for a 6 cp muffin. He also says some things: "What no milk?", but giving him milk doesn't seem to make a difference. He will say "Where did you get these muffins?" If you tell him "I got the muffins from the Brownloe bakery" he'll go there! As soon as he leaves, this ward comes out and will talk to you. Lady Shae is her name and as soon as she finds out that you are not a noble she'll ask you to buy her a drink. Buy her a couple bottles of red wine and she'll tell you that a list she was holding for her "Dear sweet Antonius" was stolen (and you'll get MORE faction with the same people as Pando's muffins). She'll tell you where to find the messenger (Dynil Fireshine in highhold pass, but I met him in West commons sitting watching one of the fishermen there.) If you buy her white wine she'll tell you that you have to get the mail for the person in room two, whom she is sure is getting mail from Dark Elves. (And once you give her wine you'll get MORE faction). This dovetails into the Hogcaller's Inn Quest detailed above. (Submitted by Khayos and Kozmo)
Note for Janam: :
This is a good quest to raise faction with the Freeport Militia and Corrupt Qeynos Guards and not lower any other factions. I would suggest you do it along with the note for Rebby quest since both go to and from the same places. After you get his buddy a beer, Harkin Duskfoot, who is in the tunnels, will figure you for a real sucker and ask you to deliver a note for him to Janam Rekish in West Freeport. This note seems to reference certain not so legal activities. Deliver the note to Janam and he will give you a note to return to Harkin. When you bring it back to him you will gain xp, faction and a minor item (usually Used Merchants Gloves). Your faction goes up with the following: coalitionoftradesfolk, coalitionoftradesfolkIII, CarsonMcCabe, corruptqeynosguards and freeportmilitia (Submitted by Rezo).
Note for Rebby: :
This is a good quest to raise faction with the Freeport Militia and Corrupt Qeynos Guards and not lower any other factions. I would suggest you do it along with the note for Janam quest since both go to and from the same places. Nestral T'Gaza, who is in the tunnels, has need of a helper. She wants you to take a note to Rebby, who owes her a debt. Rebby is located in West Freeport next to the Theater of the Tranquil. Upon delivery of the note, you will get Rebby's rat wiskers, which you can deliver back to T'Gaza for experience, faction and some money. This quest modifies the following factions: coalitionoftradesfolk, coalitionoftradesfolkIII, CarsonMcCabe, corruptqeynosguards and freeportmilitia all go up. (Submitted by Rezo)
Orc Cantrip: :
Tara Neklene, located on the bottom floor of the Arcane Science building wants you to kill a Deathfist Apprentice and return to her the Orc Cantrip. When you do she gives you small exp, money, and a minor item, and sometimes a new quest. Be aware that you lose faction with a necromancer guildmistress but gain some for the arcane scientists when you do this one. (Submitted by Ozman and Kozmo)
Paladin Message: :
Theron Rolius, in the Hall of Truth, standing next to the paladin guildmaster in the rear raised section, is the person who initiates this quest. He asks you to meet a messenger named Mojax Hikspin "near a lake in the Commonlands". When found in West Commonlands, he is usually sitting next to the fisherman on the lake - the one that won't talk or sell to you. He needs a flask of milk, which you can get from the office of the people or at Greenleaf's in Freeport. As soon as you give him the milk, he starts to hand you a note, but a fast NPC named Duggin Scumper comes by, insults the Freeport king or something, and runs off, yelling that You'll never catch him, and that he's taking this to his superior in the Quenos Royal hall or something. In order to get the note, you have to attack the man, kill him (he's around level 3 or 4) and loot his corpse to find the note. Then you return the note to Eeyana Neastra, a sentry on the top level of the temple of Marr (she may be in the Hall of Truth now). He is very tough to catch without magic. However, sometimes if you stop chasing him and return to Mojax, he will walk down the path to a pillar and drop the note for you there. Each time you give Mojax milk, you restart the sequence so that you can try again if you mis the first time. You get a little gold, a item (sometimes a potion), experience, and increased faction standing with the Knights of Truth. (Submitted by Saidan)
Piranha Collecting: :
This quest will only be given to players below level 9. A priest named Celsar Vestagon in the Temple of Marr is concerned with the danger to the Marr Minnow posed by the piranha. He wants you to go collect some for him and put them in a box. Go kill piranha in the pond by the Hall of Truth and fill the box. Combine it and return it to the priest for experience, increased faction with Priests of Marr and an item.
Rogue Message: :
An NPC in the rogue's guild in Neriak needs you to take message to the dark elf lady on the shores of freeport (swim south from the docks around the corner - better like sharks if you go on this one). The message is regarding receiving the take of the loot from local rogues. Delivering message gets you experience returning with loot gets you experience, coins and a minor item. After delivering the message, you will be asked to kill the daughter of the Innkeeper (also at the docks). Not sure what you get for killing her. (Submitted by Zyvar)
Sentry Xyrinn: :
Somewhere in the Ocean of Tears there is an undead island (rough loc of -604.96, -7343.81). The island is populated by a few greater skeletons, a couple gargoyles, and four specters. There you will find stranded a female paladin named Sentry Xyrin. She mentions that she was part of a [boat disaster] and that she is from the temple of Marr in Freeport. She will ask you to get her a [Potion of Marr] from Serna Tasknon is the Temple of Marr in Freeport. With the potion she will be able to regain her strength and take on the undead. (You can also initiate this quest by first speaking to someone in the Temple of Marr, getting the potion, and from that point on learning of Sentry Xyrinn's location and going to look for her). You have to get the bottle from the Temple of Marr and then bring the bottle to all the 8 guards in alphabetical order (It does not tell you all the names so you must figure this out yourself). It seems that if your faction is not high enough you can't get the bottle. When you give it to the last person (not including Xyrinn) he will tell you that she went to the Sisterhood of Erolisi. The sisters will tell you she is either dead or stranded on a nearby island. Then go to the island where she is stranded and give the bottle to her. She will give it back to you to take back to the temple, after which you will be done. (Submitted by the Monk Kausee and by IceAssasin)
Shark Hunting: :
A knight in the hall of truth needs shark skins to make shields. He gives you a container to fill with two sharkskins and combine. You can kill the sharks or buy the skins, but you probably won't get your money back if you buy them. Return for increased faction with the Knights of Truth, experience and a decent item (sometimes a potion of disease warding) or shark skin shield (Submitted by Ankhara)
Test of Truth: :
This is an important quest for Paladins to do once they are able to, as it is not given to higher levels and is needed for a good high level quest. This quest is given by Merko, in the Hall of Truth. The first thing Merko asks you for is to help Altunic Jartin in the E. Commons. Take him the letter, and he will ask you to help him with a thief named Squire Narl. See the Squire Narl quest in E Commonlands. This will get you a token of generosity. After you give him the token, Merko will ask you to get him a spider venom sack. Give him one and you will get a token of bravery along with some experience anf faction. He will then tell you to give him both if you want to go further on. Give him both tokens and he will ask you to take the test of truth, which is killing the guard that appears in the sewers. The guard is actually a female militia spy. Kill her quick or she will run to the zone and be gone. If you kill her and take the token she has to Merko, you will recive the Testimony of Truth Scroll, proclaiming you are a Knight of Truth. This scroll is needed for a high level paladin quest (hint, hint), but is a no drop item, so you will have to carry it around with you fro quite a while. I would suggest you put it in the bank. Throughout this quest, you will recieve many good faction hits for the Knights of Truth, and the Clerics of Erolissi and a lot of negative hits for the militia. Most people are KOS to the militia after killing the spy, so be aware of the consequenses of your actions. (Submitted by Dargo Lightbearer)
Tonics for Grahft: :
Apparently Grahft Steadirt has an interest in tumpy tonics. If you catch him at the Seafarers Roost in East freeport and speak to him there he will tell you that he likes Tumpy tonics. I made the trip and got the tonics and gave him a total of 10 tonics. I got experience, faction and about broke even on the gold spent to make the tonics. Note: he is a rare spawn in the bar. I waited almost an hour real time before he poped up again. (Submitted by Feywin )
Toxdil's poison: :
If you enter the secret tunnel to North Freeport and follow it until the first big room an NC named Toxdil sometimes appears. He wants 2 snake venom sacs and 20gp and he'll give you a vial of poison. (Submitted by Kaelynai and Balador)
The Traitor::
After intercepting the message for Sir Lucan D'Lere, he gives you the assignment to kill the traitor mentioned in the note and return his militia tunic. The traitor’s name is Guard Alayle, and he is in the Freeport Militia House’s backyard. You may have to kill him several times before he will give you a tunic . Return the tunic for money and the following faction: Freeport Militia - Better, Coalition of Trade Folk III - Better, Knights of Truth - Worse, Priest of Marr - Worse. (Submitted by Dral Blackstaff)
Weapon Delivery::
Larn Brugal at the Steel Warriors HQ is expecting a shipment of weapons from Groflah's forge in North Freeport. He will give you a voucher to take to Groflah for him. Groflah tells you that the Commonland orcs (Deathfist) have killed the delivery person and taken the 4 blades. You should be able to find all 4 in the orc camp in East Commonlands. (Submitted by Doriath)
Xelha's Cyclops Eye::
After bringing Xelha Nevagon four spiderling silks, she will tell you to bring her a Cycops eye. Not sure what you get for this. (Submitted by Dral Blackstaff)
Xelha's Spiderling Silk: :
This is a very easy quest. Go find Xelha Nevagon and start a conversation. She will tell you to bring her 2 eyes of fire beetles, some skeleton bones and 4 spiderling webs. When you give her to 2 fire beetle eyes, she asks if the beetle had 2 eyes, as if you only gave her 1 eye, and she tells you to get more (is this broken?). When you give her the bone chips, she does nothing special, but when you give her the 4 spiderling silks, she give you another quest. You will get Experience Points, Money and another quest. Every time you give her something youget the following faction: Dismal Rage - Better, Knights of Truth - Worse, Opal Darkbriar - Better. (Submitted by Dral Blackstaff)
Zimel's Blades: :
This is the quest for the Paladin Sword Soulfire. I have included the details of the beginning part that anyone can do, but left out the names of the final NPC's you need to kill. Be aware that you cannot complete this quest and get Soulfire unless you have a party of adventurers well into their 40's. After completing the messenger quest, you take the Zimel's Blades price list back to Kalatrina Plossen in the Hall of Truth. She then transcribes a little of the note, and determines that it seems to be some sort of price list. She then sends you to speak with Rashinda (last name of Elore) at the Freeport Office of the People, but tells you to report back to her what Rashinda tells you has happened to Zimel's Blades. Once at the Office of the People, Rashinda will spill her guts if she is asked, "Have you heard of Zimel's Blades?". She then goes in to detail about the owner being [Ariska Zimel], and that Zimel's Blades was condemned after Zimel's disappearance. Zimel's Blades was a weapons shop in East Freeport which was condemned by the city. She mentions that Groflah Steadirt bought most of the scraps that were left of Zimel's Blades. Obviously the next question is to ask Rashinda about Ariska Zimel (a simple "Who was Ariska Zimel?" suffices). She then goes in to the fact that Ariska Zimel was an extraordinary blacksmith who also was a great adventurer. She says that he and Groflah Steadirt were best friends and adventured together until each of them settled in Freeport. She then mentions Zimel's disappearance again, and says that you should go speak to Groflah, because he could give you more information about Zimel then she can. Somewhere in this mess of conversation, after she mentions Zimel, and you ask her about him, she mentions Steadirt again. This is the time to ask her about Groflah Steadirt, and again, a simple "Who is Groflah Steadirt?" will suffice. Okay, so now that you have all of this information, you're supposed to return to Kalatrina Plossen at the Hall of Truth and tell her that "Zimel's Blades was condemed". Where upon she wonders why Lucan would visit a condemned building. She figures he must be searching for something, and mentions that when she last visited the local forge (must be Groflah's, but she doesn't say that) she heard rumors of Lucan searching for a sword named Soulfire. She then says if that is true, then you must find it first, as no more power must go Lucan's way. She then say's "Seek this sword out." Don't give her the price list, because she won't give it back and you need it to continue. The purpose of the price list is to get Groflah to open up to you, instead of telling you that he's never heard of Zimel's Blades and to go away, because he's busy and can't speak there. His response after receiving the price list is, and I quote: " Where did you find this? This was the main price list of Zimel's Blades, but it should be all burnt up. I was at Zimel's right after the fire and I did not see it hanging where it should have been. The entire inside was gutted and.... Wait.... The sequence of the dots!!! Hmmm. I cannot talk with you here. Meet me at the Seafarers by the docks at night. Give me the note when next we meet." End quote. To get Groflah to talk you have to be in a certain tavern in East Freeport around 5 or 6am. He will appear and wag his tongue freely (presumably from the liquor). He'll tell you about Tumpy Tonics (apparently all dwarves are lushes) and will talk about Zimel, relating the story about what it was that Zimel found, why he disappeared and who the culprit is. You must then talk to the beggar Tykar Renlin, who shows up at the Seafarer's roost. You need to give him 4 droms champagnes, one at a time, to get him to talk. He will talk to you and give you a blanket. It turns out that Zimel is being held prisoner down below the arena (I think it may be cell block number 4). When you talk to Zimel, he says something that ends with "bog n goo". When you give him edible goo (from cooking), he then says " bog n goo. Blanket too!" What you need to do is give him edible goo, bog juice, and the blanket. Bog juice can be made by a brewer. After giving him the bog juice and goo, you will receive a banker's key "H.K. 102" for High Keep. You need to give this to the bank clerk in highhold and she will give you a note to deliver to Brother Hayle in Splitpaw. He will tell you the items you need to collect to get soulfire: The Hilt of Soulfire, the Brilliant Sword of Faith, Your Testimony and the letter you received from the bank clerk. The hilt and sword are obtained from killing high level NPC's (who shall remain nameless here, but Hayle gives you the clues you need to track them down), and the testimony is obtained through a side quest which is listed elsewhere on this site. (There have been far too many contributors to this quest information to name them individually - thank you all)