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Main Quest page
The Cigar: :
In Halas, there's a cigar shop SE of the Shaman temple called Dok's Cigars. Talk to Dok inside and he'll mention a cigar, but he has none in inventory. If you ask him about the cigar, he will relay a story about attempting to make something he calls cigars, but burning himself all the time, so he switched to candle making. A few more questions gets you the quest to go get honeycombs for him to make candles - you get a jar with 6 slots & combine button. In return, he says he'll give you a 'special candle'. Your reward is xp, plat and the Everburn Candle.

Cindl's Collection: :
At Mac's Kilts, Cindl is looking for Polar Bear pelts. If you bring her a non-ruined polar bear skin, she will give you some exps, 1 gold and a piece of tattered or patchwork armor, or sometimes even rawhide. For those of you working on that complete set of patchwork, she sometimes gives the pieces that are not available to tailor. Faction for Merchants of Halas, Wolves of the North and Shamen of Justice goes up and Rogues of the White Rose goes down. She is also looking for Wrath Orc wristbands and says she will give Raw-hide tunic, leggings or leather gloves if you return 2 such wristbands to her. (Submitted by Juntao)

Gnoll Teeth: :
Qeynos isn't the only place with and NPC who hates gnolls enough to pay for their fangs. Lysbith McNaff in the pit of Doom will give you rations, money and experience for each gnoll tooth you give her. (you may have to give her three at a time now). Almost makes that dental degree worthwhile. Giving teeth to Lysbith Mcnaff raises your faction with Wolves of the North; Shamen of Justice; Merchants of Halas; Steelwarriors and it lowers your faction with Rogues of the White Rose. (Submitted by Kyll, Barbarian Warrior)

Goblin Caster Necklace: :
This quest is given to you by Shamus Felligan (he is outside the Shaman's guild). The activation sentance is "I will hunt the goblin casters". The Ice Goblin Casters spawn in 1 spot in Everfrost. They can be found by following the right side wall after leaving the 1 guard area. Eventually you will come to 2 igloo's. Casters and Scouts spawn here. After killing a few casters you will get caster beads. Return them to Shamus and you receive faction with the guild, exp, some money and an item (usually minor, but I was told that a person got a Gavel of Justice from this quest). This quest can only be performed by characters below level 12. (Submitted by Jilana)

Going Postal: :
This is a massive quest involving most of the cities in Norrath. See the full quest description in AK'Anon.

Head of Granin O'Gill: :
This quest is given to you from Margyn McCann (she is the Shaman's guildmaster). The activation sentence is "I am a young shaman". She tells you that she wants Granin O'Gill brought to justice by bringing her his head. He can be found by the statue area of Everfrost. Do even try to find him until you are 13th or in a large group. The Orc Shamans and Orc Mountaineers spawn in the same area and will wipe you out fast. He hits hard (20 points a pop) and casts spells, but he does not have alot of hit points. When you return his head to Margyn you get guild faction, exp, somemoney and a spell. Only characters below level 12 will get this quest, but anyone can just turn in the head for the reward. (Submitted by Jilana)

Ice Goblin Necklaces: :
: Approach the Female Warrior named Lysbith McNaff in the Pit of Doom and ask her about ice goblins. She wants you to gather Ice Bead Necklaces from the Ice Goblins that roam Everfrost. The activation sentence is "I will protect the pass". If you choose to accept her quest, she will give you a box with six slots in it for you to use. Collect 6 necklaces, combine them and return to her for a minor item, money and some experience. Giving necklaces to Lysbith Mcnaff raises your faction with Wolves of the North; Shamen of Justice; Merchants of Halas and Steelwarriors and it lowers your faction with Rogues of the White Rose. (Submitted by Kyll, Barbarian Warrior)

Ivan McMannus' Remains: :
: A warrior in Halas located in the Rogues Guild seeks to find the remains of Ivan McMannus. The only problem is that he doesn't know where they are. You have to go talk to a lass named Megan. You can find Megan by asking her dog Snowflake "Where is Megan." Follow the dog to find Megan. She directs you to a hole in the ice where she dropped the remains. This is a dangerous area to hang around in. Go swimming and kill the first Goblin Diver. You will get a barbarian rib from the diver. The other three bones are found on the river bottom. You just have to keep on looking, day after day. All three bones looked like small bags on the river floor. They were located between the ice hole and the first goblin diver. The Items you collect are: Barbarian rib, skull, jaw, and femur Put them in the box, combine and return them and you will get experience, some money, and an item. (Submitted by Kyll & Vulfgange)

The Langseax: :
This is the quest to obtain the Langseax or the Langseax of the Wolves . Complete Version: Go to Renth McLanis in the tavern across from Mac's Kilts. Ask him "What dangerous matter?". He tells you of a crime. Agree to hunt the murderer. Renth then sends you to see Dok in Dok's Cigars. Find out all you can about the crime. He tells you to go see the leader of Clan McMannus. This is the fishing village located in West Karanas. Speak to the leader. Then speak to Ulrich McMannus and he tells you Frostbite can track prey if he has a piece of sweaty clothing. Return to Dok and ask him "Where is the sweaty shirt?". He then tells you he sold it to Tundra Jack. Find Tundra Jack on the tundra of Everfrost. He will tell you that Iceberg is using it for a collar and that you can distract Iceberg with his favorite meal, Lion Delight. Go back to Halas and speak to Teria O' Danos. Do the lion meat quest (you get coin and faction as well as the Lion Delight). Once you have Lion Delight, be sure to bury it lower in your container then your normal food to prevent it being eaten by you. Take the Lion Delight to Iceberg and receive the shirt (NO DROP, LORE ITEM) and faction adjustment. Now run to the village and give the shirt to Frostbite. (NOTE: Frostbite will wait for the murderer to spawn before he takes off. He walks pretty fast so I wouls strongly suggest that you have Spirit of Wolf on you. It also helps to have a party member along that can track because I lost sight of Frostbite many times and have had to start over. Also, Frostbite likes to fight things along the way. Help him out. Be very careful not to target Frostbite by accident!) Frostbite will lead you right to the criminal. The murderer will be either Paglan or Basil. Paglan is tougher to kill and probably in his low to mid 20's, Basil is around level 20. Kill whomever the dog leads you to, hope he drops a Barbarian head and then return to Halas with the head. Give the head to Renth for faction, coin, and of course, the Langseax (if you have Basil's head) or the Langseax of the Wolves (if it is Paglan's head). I am not sure what triggers which criminal you get or even if you can just kill both and get both heads, but it seems that you wil normally get Basil. Short Version: Run to village, and receive the lion meat. Run to Halas, turn in meat to Teria and get Lion Delight, faction, exp. and coin. Run to Iceberg, give Lion Delight, receive shirt, faction, exp. Run to Frosbite, give shirt, gain exp. Kill the criminal. Return head for faction, coin, exp and Langseax. (Submitted by Joril Stoutbear, Waladen and Hance)

Lion Meat::
This quest is also a part of the Langseax quest. If you talk to one of the merchants outside the city before the lake, you can get a quest to get lion meat from the fishing village. Talk to Einhorst McMannus in the barbarian fishing villiage in Western Karanas. He will refer you to a female barbarian nearby to get the meat. You must say to her "I will deliver the Lion Meat Shipment to Halas". You get some minor coin for this quest. A good idea is to combine this quest with the note to Einhurst quest since they both go to the same place. (Submitted by Deryni)

Magic Elixir for the Warriors::
Dargon McPherson, outside of the Pit of Doom, has a warm spot in his heart for his compatriots freezing and lonely out in the everfrost peaks. He asks you to take a magic elixir to them to help warm them up on their lonely vigil. There are four people to visit, each of whom will tell you who and where the next one is. The activation sentence is "I will deliver an Elixir to young warriors". The order of people are: Talin O'Donal (by the 2 tents), Brydin McGill (by the 2 guard area stands next to snowflake), Arnis McLish (next to the entrance to Black Burrow), Megan O'Reilly (at tower next to the temple where Starn Barnjumper is, or ask snowflake). Your reward for this is experience, faction, some money, a minor item and the warm feeling of helping out your fellow Barbarians. (Submitted by Kyll, Barbarian Warrior)

Note to Einhorst::
First talk to Jinkus (he is in the shaman's guild). He asks if you want to contribute to the guild. He tells you to find Halana and tell her "Jinkus sent me to assist you". She is located in Ye Majik shop in Halas) She askes you to take a note to Einhorst in the Barbarian fishing village in West Karana and return with their monthly Karana Clover shipment. She gives you directions if you dont know the way. To get to the village go though Black Burrow to Qeynos Hills, follow the mountains to the left until you hit a path, follow the path to the left, you will zone into West Karana. In West Karana follow path until it splits turn right and head from the path towards the horizon, the fishing village is not far. Einhorst is in one of the buildings. You give him the note and get money, exp, a box of clover to return to Holana and the following faction: Wolves of the North, Shaman of Justice, Merchants of Halas and Steel Warriors increase; Rogues of the White Rose decreases. When you give the box to Holana you get money, exp, a 1st rank spell and the following faction: Shaman of Justice and Merchants of Halas increase; Circle of Unseen Hands, Coalition of Tradefolk and Ebon Mask decrease. This quest can only be performed by lower level characters. A good idea is to combine this and the lion meat quest since they both go to the same place. (Submitted by Jilana)

The Seax::
Lysbeth McNaff in the Pit of Doom wants hardy warriors to hunt Orc Troopers and return their wristbands to her. Give her 4 wristbands and she will give a Seax which is a mediocre Barbarian piercing weapon usable by Rogues. It is possible that Lysbith will not give you the quest till after you have done her Ice Goblin Necklace quest. She also mentions a "Langseax" that is a 1H Slash Barbarian weapon for warriors. (Submitted by Arlan)

Wooly Fungus::
This quest is given to you from Waltor Felligan (he is outside the Shaman's guild). The activation sentance is "I will assist in gathering fungus". You get a jar with 8 slots. Kill wooly spiders and collect 8 of the wooly fungus. The fungus can be found on all the types of wooly spiders in Everfrost. When you combine the 8 fungus and give the jar to Waltor you receive guild faction, exp, some copper and a low level shaman spell. A side note Waltor will cure poison, disease for a donation to the shamans of justice. (Submitted by Jilana)