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Main Quest page
Aviak Chicks: :
It would appear that the aviaks have been defecating on the huge dwarf statue over the entrance to Kaladim and the dwarf paladins are VERY upset about it. Bumle Reminjar, in Underfoot Hall, will reward you for every 4 aviak chick talons you bring him. You will increase faction with Clerics of Underfoot, Kazon Stormhammer, and Miners Guild 249. (Submitted by Doriath)

Aviak Talons: :
Bumle Reminjar will also reward you for every 3 aviak talons (from the harder krag elders) you bring him. you will get some money and an item, often rawhide or leather. (Submitted by Thorzak)

Bone Chips: :
Talk to a paladin in the paladin's guild and he will send you out to collect bone chips. Give him 4 bone chips (stacked will do). You will get experience, guild faction and some money. Note that you must be given this quest to complete it. Players with low faction will not get anything by giving him bone chips. you will increase faction with Clerics of Underfoot, Kazon Stormhammer and Miners Guild 249. After enough times, he may give you another quest. (Submitted by Bigo)

Blyle Bundin's head: :
This starts in Kaladim next to the "pit" or arena in front of the warriors guild. The guy standing on the rim asks you to hunt down and kill a guard Bundin that deserted his post. He wants you to bring back his head and his axe. he can be usually (but not always) found between the lonely guard outside the docks and the ruins with the elf vendor and two quarelling guards. He is around level 7, but hits much harder than his level, so watch out (I have been told you may sometimes loot a fine steel weapon off of him). Also, if you attack him near any guards, they may come to his rescue. Kill him and turn in his head and axe for experience, faction, a small amount of money and sometimes an item. Killing him will lower your faction with the Kaladim Residents, so beware of doing this too many times. You must turn in both the head and the axe. When you do, you will get the following faction changes: increase with Storm Guard, Kazon Stormhammer, Miners Guild 249 and Merchants of Kaladim, and decrease with Craknek Warriors. (Submitted by Grimster)

Cleaner Clockwork: :
Killing the Clockwork "CleanerVII" gives you two options. Jeet, one of the rogue trainers in Kaladim next to the bank, asks you to do the special task of "ridding him of that infernal Cleaner" and says he will give you a "Miner's Cap" if you do it. The Cleaner clockwork is sometimes found near the bank in Kaladim. Kill it and return the pieces for your Miner's Cap 628 (only wearable by Dwarf Rogues). Alternatively, return the dead body (black box fragments) to Beno Tenarl for experience and faction and the Knight Card or Eye of Stormguard Quest. (Submitted by Grimster)

Cromil's Remains: :
This quest is sometimes given to you after you return 4 bone chips to the paladin in the guild hall in Kaladim. He will ask you to find the remains of his brother Cromil. Supposedly he is now undead and is with an undead army located somewhere in the Plains of Karana. You can find these remains in the Southern Plains of Karana. Cromil is not actually a creature that is listed. It turns out that after you kill a Putrid Skeleton in the camp where Lord Grimrot hangs out, one of them might have a set of Dwarven Bones. These are in fact Cromil's remains. Upon returning them to the paladin in the Kaladim guildhall, he rewards you with some cash and a spell. Be warned that the location is in a very dangerous location, as many of the creatures there are well into the upper teens in level. Especially beware of the roaming cyclops and Lord Grimrot, who is in fact the subject of another quest. (Submitted by Klythin)

Eye of Stormhammer: :
This is the quest for the Avenger Battle Axe. After returning the clockwork remains (Cleaner clockwork quest) to Beno Tenarl in Kaladim, ask him about the Eye of Stormguard. He will give you a letter to give to the Jail clerk near the bank of High Pass keep. Of course the prisoner has escaped but she does give you part of the eye of stormguard, as well as info that "Bronin" has the other part, the "Emerald Shard". Bronin Higginsbot is sometimes found in Rivervale and sometimes near the southern tower in Misty Thicket. When you ask Bronin about the Emerald shard, he says he will give it to you if you do a small favor. Apparently a bounty hunter by the name of Slaythe is after him. He says if you return a piece of his body, he will give you the emerald. Slaythe is beyond the wall in Misty Thicket. He appears to be a Froglok (around level 21 or so)! He hops around between the Orc camp and the wall. You may have to talk to Bronin to get him to spawn. If you defeat him, you get a froglok leg (lore item), a few gold, and the following faction adjustments: Frogloks of Kurnak gets worse and Sarnak, Swamp Giants of Kurnak and Iskar get better. When you return the froglok leg to Bronin, he tells you that he put the emerald shard in one of the highkeep stronboxes... and gives you a key to give to the bank clerk in highpass hold. The key is labeled H.K.106. Turning in Slaythe's leg provides a little experience, no money, and the following faction adjustments: Deeppockets, Circle of Unseen Hands, Coalition of Trade Folk III and CarsonMcCabe get better and Merchants of River Vale gets worse. When you turn in the key in highpass bank, you get the emerald shard, about 1 pp in change, some experience, and the following adjustments: Merchants of High Pass, Highpass Guards and Carson McCabe all get better. Bronin also says "There is a [second Emerald Shard] which I hid near Kelethin, you will need it..." Upon further questioning, you find out that it has been renamed the Gem of Tunare, and is being held by a guild in Kelethin. In Kelethin, go to the Scouts of Tunare guild and talk to the guild master there. When asked about the Gem of Tunare, he tells you that it was stolen by Faldor Hendrys. The only one who knows where Faldor is, is his brother Elmion who went hunting "at the lake near the Estate". Well... following this clue brings you to Dagnor's Cauldron and Elmion at the NPC-camp there. He tells you that his brother is a thief (and only his half brother btw...) and that he has gone to Qeynos, probably to work for the thieves guild there. Faldor Hendrys is a rare spawn in north Qeynos, he can be found walking out the front gate, and along the road to the Qeynos Hills zone sometimes. You need to kill him to get the gem. Combine the parts and you get the eye of stormguard, which gives you +5 magic, cold and fire protection. If you give it to Beno, he gives you a long speach about how wonderful a warrior you are and says he is giving you a "warrior's true weapon designed by the ancient stormguard hero, Jendl Mizebrite." He then will give you the Dwarven Avenger Battle Axe, a very nice warrior only 2HS weapon. It is likely that you need to have a very high faction with him to get the axe. (Submitted by Sheba and Erondil and Bertran Headbasher)

The Gnome Take: :
Tell Jeet that you will run to the gnome city (after doing the boog mudtoe quest I believe) and say you will collect the gnome take. He will then give you a key. You have to find a clockwork scrubber in Ak'Anon which responds to 628 and use the key on him to get the gnome take. The scrubber was down in the zoo area when I found him and responded by saying something like wiz... tik... 628... You give him the key and your faction with clockwork goes up and you get the gnome take. Then you take the gnome take to Jeet. You get a couple of silver and a minor item for completing this quest, plus faction and experience. (Submitted by Quegos)

Healing: :
Nultal Malfoot in the cleric guild of Kaladim is willing to heal you for a price. Tell him "I need healing" and he will demand 3gp If you pay, he casts heal on you and your faction goes up with ClericsOfUnderfoot, KazonStormhammer and MinersGuild249. (Submitted by Mujab)

Knight Cards: :
After you kill the gnomish clockwork "Cleaner VII" which wanders Northern Kaladim and return his remains to Beno Tenarle, he will give you a knight card which he would like you to return to the smith, Doran Vargnus. Doran Vargnus is one of the dwarven smiths shipwrecked on the Island of Erollisi. The island is located in the Ocean of Tears between Kaladim and Freeport. The dwarves are camped in a small tent on the southeast corner of the island. (LOC: 1280 -9245) Complete the quest by giving the knight card to Doran. He gives you an item for the card which ranges from cloth to some pretty nice armor pieces such as blackened and bronze, and even dwarven mail. Also, Doran is not picky about where you get the Knight card. You can get knight cards (among others) by playing poker with either Moodoro Finharn in the fish's ale or with Zenita DRin in Freeport and he will give you items for these cards as well. (Submitted by Rexan)

Miners Pick: :
After you turn in the tongues for the parrying pick, Diggins tells you to talk to Matter and tell him you're ready to earn your Mining Pick 628 (a weapon useable only by dwarf rogues) and he tells you to return to him the head of Boog Mudtoe. Boog is on the island directly west of the Erollisi (all girl) Island in the Ocean of Tears. He's an ogre in the upper teens, and is tough to kill. (Submitted by Grimster)

The Mudtoes: :
Furtog Ogrebane in Kaladim will tell you that his father killed a whole tribe of ogres (the Mudtoes) except for two that got away. Then he tells you to go to the docks in BB and find more info on it. You have to go to the Butcherblock port and talk to the girl on the end and she'll tell you to find the two remaining Mudtoes, Boog and Goob, in the Sea of Tears. You will find one named Boog Mudtoe (lev 17) on the island right across from the all girl island of Erollisi. You kill him and get his head and a note that is to his brother. His brother is on the island with Gornit the Giant. He is a shaman and casts root a lot, so you have to be careful attacking him. Take their heads back to Furtog for a decent item and the Trumpy Irontoe quest. (Submitted by Doomfist)

Orc Belts: :
Turn in orc belts to Canloe Nusbeck in the warrior's guild for experience, faction and minor money and items. You can turn in as many as four at at a time. The general consensus is that four items will just be treated like giving one item four times, so it is just a time saving device. You can find these by killing orcs in Crushbone. Faction changes are as follows: + Stormguard, + Merchants of Kaladim, + Miners Guild 249, +Kazon Stormhammer, - Cracknek Warriors. (Submitted by Bigo)

Ogre Heads: :
In the warrior guild in Kaladim there is a dwarf male named Byzar Bloodforge. He is looking for the heads of the ogres Zarchoomi and Corflunk who roam the countryside of Butcherblock. If you ask Byzar "What about Corflunk?" He responds with, don't mention those names, I hate those ogres and would pay handsomely for their heads. He does the same if you ask about Zarchoomi. You must give him both heads, and then he will say he underestimated you and give you experience, faction, some coin and a decent item (often bloodforge mail). Your faction with Stormguard, Kazon Stormhammer, MinersGuild 249 and Merchants of Kaladim will all get better, and your faction with CrakenkWarriors gets worse. He will then give you the Trumpy Irontoe Quest.

Orc Legionnaire Shoulder Pads: :
Turn these in to Canloe Nusbeck in Kaladim. As with the orc belts, you can find these by killing orcs in Crushbone. You can turn in as many as four at at a time. I have been told that you have a chance at a better item with two at a time, but that more than two will not help. I am not sure if that is true or not. One will get you an item as well. As of now, you can turn these in even if your faction is too low for him to actually give you the quest. You will get some decent weapons (sometimes even bronze ones worth several pp each) and items for these. Faction changes are as follows: + Stormguard, + Merchants of Kaladim, + Miners Guild 249, +Kazon Stormhammer, - Cracknek Warriors. (Submitted by Bigo).

Parrying Pick: :
ask Diggins about a great favor and he asks you to return the tongues of Rondo, Crytil, Keldyn, and Barma Dunfire. 3 are in Butcherblock, and 1 is found in the slave mines in Crushbone. Return all 4 tongues for your Parrying Pick 628 (a dwarf rogue only item). You will then be able to get the quest for the miner's pick. (Submitted by Grimster)

Rat Pelts: :
Beno Tenarl wants you to kill rats and return 4 rat pelts to him for some experience and faction.

Rat Patrol: :
Jeet, one of the rogue trainers in Kaladim next to the bank asks you to patrol the mine of rats, assuming you're a member of the "Miner's Guild" (a rogue that is). For 4 rat pelts he will give you some armor and a pick. (Submitted by Grimster)

Runneyeye warbeads: :
In the mines Diggins says he'll "maybe just maybe" give you a Piercing weapon for 4 Runnyeye Warbeads. I don't know if he follows through with his promise. Alternatively, Byzar Bloodforge, in Stormguard Hall, will reward you for every 4 runnyeye beads you bring him. These beads can be found on some goblin warriors. (Submitted by Grimster and Doriath)

Scarab Armor: :
A dwarf named Vacto Molunel in the stormguard hall will make Scarab armor for you. You have to get 2 scarab carapaces and 5 gold for a helm and one pristine carapace and 23 or 33 gold for a Scarab Breastplate. The scarab carapaces can be found on the small worker scarabs in butcherblock and the pristine scarab carapace can be found on Death Beetles in Unrest or possibly on giant scarabs (rarely). Once you get your faction high enough, he will also create Scarab Boots for you. These take a Cracked Giant Scarab Shell, 2 Scarab Legs, and 17 gold. (Submitted by Kangel)

Skunk Hunting: :
Bring Nultal Malfoot in the cleric guild 4 skunk scent glands for some experience, money, faction and usually a cleric spell. (Submitted by Mujab)

Trumpy Irontoe: :
After you give Byzar Bloodforge the two ogre heads in the ogre head quest, he asks if you'd be willing to take a little trip. If you say you will, he tells you about Trumpy Irontoe. He says he doesn't know where he is, but that he had been engaged to his sister and ran off on her. He wants his head for this affront to the family honor and promises to make you an honorary member of the Bloodforge Brigade for returning the head. Trumpy hangs out at the Fish's Ale in Qeynos. Your reward for this quest is usually a bloodforge hammer, a very nice 2HB magical weapon. The secret to killing Trumpy is you have to get him away from Barstomper. In order to do this you ask him in the bar about Sragg. He then gets all puffy and walks out. If you follow him he will get quite a ways from the bar. You can then safely attack and kill him. Be warned he will run away so a good root spell or snare is a good idea. Also, he is in good with the corrupt guards and they might help him if they see him getting attacked. Do not chase him either he will come back if you let him and enventually he will run back by barstomper and then you have a much bigger fight on your hands. You must have a good faction in order to be able to get the hammer. Trumpy's head is now a no trade/no drop item, so you can't give it to a dwarf to get the hammer, but must raise your own faction to get it. If you hail him first he will tell you about some beads. If you ask him about the beads you will know if you have a good faction. He may say that your shifty eyes tell him you are not good and in that case you do not. If you do then you can give him the head and he will give you the Bloodforge Hammer. Completing this quest will give the following faction changes: increase with Storm Guard, Kazon Stormhammer, Miners Guild 249 and Merchants of Kaladim, and decrease with Craknek Warriors.

Tumpy Tonics: :
Note that this quest is needed to finish the Trueshot longbow quest in Kelethin. A dwarf name something Everhot who hangs around in front the Kaladim bank and walks up and down the mine hallways very quickly will talk to you if you hail him a few times. He tells you he's in a hurry with working on his Dwarven Wire. When you ask about the wire, he tells you he'll give you some if you get him two Tumpy Tonics from Tumpy Irontoe. Trumpy can be found at a building in Kaladim on the right just before the hallway where you zone to the bank; it's right across from Tanned Assets. (there is also a Trumpy Irontoe in Qeynos who supposedly can fulfill this quest). There is no identifying sign on the door or anything, but when you walk in you'll see him standing behind a counter. Hail him and he'll say "....if you don't see something, ask me and perhaps I can make it" or something to that effect. Ask him, "Make me a Tumpy Tonic?" and he'll tell you that he can make them, but that he needs kiola nuts and flasks of water, and that Kiola nuts can be found in the island chain in the Sea of Tears. After much asking about, you find that the island you need to visit is the Island of the Sisterhood of Eollisi. When you get there, find the vendor that sells kiola nuts, purchase your Kiola nuts, and go back to Kaladim. Be VERY careful if you are going to fight anybody here, everybody is strong! In Kaladim, give Tumpy the nuts and flasks of water and he'll give you Tumpy Tonics (you get faction, I'm not sure about xp). Take the Tumpy Tonics back down to the dwarf Everhot, give them to him, and he'll give you a spool of dwarven wire (you get xp and faction). The wire can be used for the trueshot longbow quest.