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Quest for Lanys T'Vyl's Armor

The Masses Gather

Laarthik and Lanys

Lanys's Armor:

WHO STARTS Laarthik in Nectulos in front of city
HOW IT STARTS Laarthik is the teacher, and will gather dark elves to the front gates of the city, to prepare for the coming of Lanys(The Child of Innoruuk)
QUEST INFO This quest started off one day w/ Lanys , The Child of Innoruuk, shouting to the dark elves to tell of her coming.

She tells a few to let everyone know, and to meet her at a specified time. There were over 80 people in the zone in this instance.

Laarthik showed up first this time, and gathered the Tier'dal and pretty much works them all into a frenzy for the coming of the Child of Innoruuk

Enter Lanys, She tells of armor she much gain to become more powerful.. The first piece is in the Tier'dal's former home(Befallen) Guarded by the "Crimson Tier"

We proceeded to venture to Befallen, and while we were waiting for Lanys and crew to show, we killed every creature in the dungeon for her coming

Lanys and Laarthik finally arrive, and they start rallying the troops and then Shouts appear from other creatures(Minions of the Crimson Tier).. Telling everyone to leave or be slain.. Of course all the dark elves are hunting for these monsters.

Our "Quest" is to guard Lanys with our lives, and slay the Crimson Tier, to gain a piece of armor for Lanys... We escort Lanys and Laarthik to the bottom of Befallen, and at the height of the Shouts and threats from the Crimson Tier.. The whole dungeon respawns, and are agro.. So we set upon killing them.. After we are done with this, Named NPC'S start to show up, and after killing 2 of these, we have fullfilled the quest...

For now..

The other pieces of armor are still yet to be found..

ITEM(S) RECEIVED I only know of one item received, and that was a Bone Bladed Claymore.. I have a feeling that the GM's who are running the quest, will pick out a few people, and give them some of the higher level items in the dungeon.. We will see on this part
FACTION HITS Depends on What dungeon and What creatures you are fighting
NOTES This is one of the first "Real" GM run quest, it is far from over, and there are rumors that Lanys is really someone disguised as the child of Innoruuk, that will gain these items, and in the end, we will have to slay her...

One thing to note, before you slay the main creatures.. Lanys is a NPC, you can attack her, and many people did by accident.. She does not like this, and she can be killed(At one point her health was down to about 25%)so be careful =)