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Main Quest page
Book of Turmoil: :
In the Library at the 3rd gate is a scribe naked Lokar T'Biath. If you give him a bottle of red wine he will give you some exp and it will improve your faction with the Dread Guards Outer/Inner and the Dark Bargainers. If you then ask him about the, "Scribe of Dal", and he will respond that there is indeed a Scribe of Dal, and that if you will tithe 77 gold he will reveal her location. When you give him the 77 gold he gives you a note and tells you the scribe is disguised as a female barkeep in the Blind Fish Tavern. When you find her, ask her about being a scribe of dal and about the book of turmoil. She gives you a note written in Tier'Dal, the note says that she will give you the book if you return to her the head of her brother, because he has betrayed her secret, and the note. Her brother is the scribe in the library you originally gave the 77 gold tithe to. Kill him and take his head and the note back to the barkeep. She will give you the book of turmoil. This in turn can be given to the Oracle in the Ocean of Tears as part of the Tome of Ages quest. (you get a glowing torch as a reward).
Mammoth Tusks & Fire Beetle Eyes: :
An NPC in the Necromancer Guild Hall wants a mammoth tusk to put in his ivory tower. He also fancies a collection of fire beetle eyes and you're just the elf to get them for him. If you choose to help, he will give you a box which you need to fill with 10 eyes and combine(regular eyes). Then he will give you the next part: Then you need to go to Kerra Ridge, and get 4 Kerra isle beetle eyes and combine in new box. You then need to give him the box and the tusk together. Mammoths are found way over in Everfrost and the Kerran Beetle Eyes are found in Erud's Crossing, on Kerra Ridge(with the cat people), so you will have to do some hiking to get him his stuff. You will get some experience and a small reward. However, since the mammoth tusk alone sells for about 9 pp, the reward does not come close to making up for the items. (Submitted by Xilith, and Egrambo)
Fire Goblin Runner::
Talk to someone in the Warrior's guild in Neriak. He will ask you to go to the Lavastorm Mountains and look for a Fire Goblin Runner who is supplying an Erudite. If you kill the Fire Goblin Runner and return his Runner Pouch to the warrior you will receive some experience, money and possibly a decent item. A 16th level Dark Elf Cleric has done this quest lately, and received a "Feather Light Pouch"(Submitted by Sindaria)
Halfling Raider Helm::
A Guard in Foreign Quarter will announce that the indigo brotherhood is looking for some to kill halfling raiders. He will direct you to go talk to the brotherhood for more information. A warrior in the guild will tell you he will pay you 1 GP for every Halfing Raider cap you return to him. Get some gold, experience, and faction increase/decrease. (Submitted by Welveryn)
Honeybugger Assasin: :
Paziu Puno (rogue guild neriak) wants Lil Honeybugger dead and promises a "king's reward" for her head. She lives in Misty Thicket in the Halfling territory just outside of town. Unfortunately, she rooms with her big brother Joogl Honeybugger who never seems to leave her side, and he is probably around level 10 or so. Since you need to be below this level to get the quest, you had better get some help in killing her. When you kill Lil, she drops a halfling head (which is what you're supposed to bring back to Paziu Puno for your "kings reward"), a bandage (so you can reverse the faction hit you take from killing Lil by giving it to Joogl later), and a Case of Jum Jum Juice (lore item)(which I guess you can give to the treant). Here's where this quest gets funny. After sneaking/hiding through Rivervale and making the run back to Neriak, you need to give the halfling head to Paziu Puno. He then tells you something to the effect of "Foolish young elf. This was no contract from King Naythox. I wanted Lil Honeybugger killed before she gave birth to my child. Only a naive dark elf would set foot in Halfling territory. Here's your great reward, garbage from other guild exploits." You get some exp, a few cp, a minor item, and the usual rogue dark elf faction hits (better with Ebon Mask, worse with guards of qeynos, guardians of the vale, and wolves of the north). Never trust a dark elf. (Submitted by Thaylon)
Kerran Beetle Eyes: :
(All Classes) This quest is initiated in Neriak. An NPC in the Necromancer Guild will ask you to venture to far away Kerra Island on the continent of Odus and collect beetle eyes for him. If you choose to accept this rather onerous task, you will get a box which you need to fill with eyes, combine and return for experience and a small reward. The beetles are located on the island with the Kerran village in Erud's Crossing. Be aware that the local Kerrans don't take kindly to your killing their beetles. (Submitted by Lord Vormulak)
Lanys's Armor:
WHO STARTS Laarthik in Nectulos in front of city
HOW IT STARTS Laarthik is the teacher, and will gather dark elves to the front gates of the city, to prepare for the coming of Lanys(The Child of Innoruuk)
QUEST INFO This quest started off one day w/ Lanys , The Child of Innoruuk, shouting to the dark elves to tell of her coming.

She tells a few to let everyone know, and to meet her at a specified time. There were over 80 people in the zone in this instance.

Laarthik showed up first this time, and gathered the Tier'dal and pretty much works them all into a frenzy for the coming of the Child of Innoruuk

Enter Lanys, She tells of armor she much gain to become more powerful.. The first piece is in the Tier'dal's former home(Befallen) Guarded by the "Crimson Tier"

We proceeded to venture to Befallen, and while we were waiting for Lanys and crew to show, we killed every creature in the dungeon for her coming

Lanys and Laarthik finally arrive, and they start rallying the troops and then Shouts appear from other creatures(Minions of the Crimson Tier).. Telling everyone to leave or be slain.. Of course all the dark elves are hunting for these monsters.

Our "Quest" is to guard Lanys with our lives, and slay the Crimson Tier, to gain a piece of armor for Lanys... We escort Lanys and Laarthik to the bottom of Befallen, and at the height of the Shouts and threats from the Crimson Tier.. The whole dungeon respawns, and are agro.. So we set upon killing them.. After we are done with this, Named NPC'S start to show up, and after killing 2 of these, we have fullfilled the quest...

For now..

The other pieces of armor are still yet to be found..

ITEM(S) RECEIVED I only know of one item received, and that was a Bone Bladed Claymore.. I have a feeling that the GM's who are running the quest, will pick out a few people, and give them some of the higher level items in the dungeon.. We will see on this part
FACTION HITS Depends on What dungeon and What creatures you are fighting
NOTES This is one of the first "Real" GM run quest, it is far from over, and there are rumors that Lanys is really someone disguised as the child of Innoruuk, that will gain these items, and in the end, we will have to slay her...

One thing to note, before you slay the main creatures.. Lanys is a NPC, you can attack her, and many people did by accident.. She does not like this, and she can be killed(At one point her health was down to about 25%)so be careful =)

Pictures of Lanys and Laarthik

Messages for Neriak::
In the Necromancer Guild hall you will find a NPC who needs your help as a courier. (the same one who asks about fire beetle eyes) He wants you to seek out three individuals and ask them if they have any messages for Neriak. Your reward for each completed message is some money and experience. The first messenger is located in the Western Commonlands. The second person on the list, Cytodl Krish, is on the second floor of the Inn that is NE of the entrance to the High Hold Keep. I'm not sure where the other one is. (Submitted by Lord Vormulak)
Moss Snakes::
Talk to Hekzin G'Zule in rogue's guild and he will say he is working on some new type of armor. He needs someone to go collect 3 moss snake skins and 3 teeth. Bring them back to him and increase your popularity with guild and receive some minor items (usually one or more rations or iron rations). Faction changes are as follows: Raised: Ebon Mask; Lowered: Wolves of the North, Carson McCabe, Qeynos Guards, Guardians of the Vale. (Submitted by Welveryn)
Orc Pawn Picks: :
One of the Dark Elf Warrior Guild Leaders in Neriak Commons by the name of Trizam N'tan gives the quest to return 4 Orc Pawn Picks to him for faction, money and occasionally an Item. (Submitted by Vraxus)
Preserved Meat Delivery: :
In the Oggok tavern there is an ogre chief named Dooga. If you talk to her enough she will give you preserved meat to deliver to an ogre named The Gobbler in Neriak. Take him his meat and he'll give you a nice item (I have been told of an ogre butchers axe and Ogre Butcher Gloves). Your faction will increase with Neriak Ogre. (Submitted by Eccky and Jhereg)
Ring of The Dead/Reaper of the Dead::
Information on this is sketchy. There is a female NPC in the Necromancer Guild who will talk to you about a Ring of the Dead. You have to have a faction that is really good... I would do quest until you have a faction of Warmly.. Then you turn in a Thex mallet(which is good to get your faction up) and in the old days you would get the "Ring of the Dead"(A ring that cast Bind affinity, and for 10gp she will recharge it for you. Now from what I have heard, and seen you get the "Reaper of the Dead"... Bud don't worry, if you already have the ring, she WILL still recharge it for you, and this has been tested(just make sure your faction is still the same)(Submitted by Xilith)
Rogue Message: :
An NPC in the rogue's guild needs you to take message to person in Freeport. The message regards receving the take of the loot from local rogues. Delivering the message gets you exp. Returning with loot gets you exp, coins an a minor item. Better like sharks if you go on this one. faction increases with Ebon Mask and decreases with Wolves of the North, Guardians of the Vale, and Carson McCabe. (Submitted by Zyvar)
Sir Lindeal's Testimony: :
Talk to Loveal SīNez in the Lodge of the dead in Neriak 3rd Gate to initiate this quest. The forces of evil have been plagued by the good paladin Sir Lindeal long enough. He is located in the Lavastorm Mountains and is clearly not well liked by his evil bretheren. They want you to kill him and return his testimony book. Returning it gets you a nice item (perhaps a damask robe). (Submitted by Lord Vormulak).
Thex Mallet::
There is no need to do this part, but you get the background of this quest by talking to Lovehill in the necro guild in Neriak after completing the Sir Lindeals's quest. You have to take a note to Kizdon Gix in West Commons. After you find him there, Gix tells you to get the 3 pieces of the mallet and give it back to Lovehill and to give another note to his old apprentice Lrodd. The phrase you utter to Kizdean Gix to get the note for Lrodd is "utalk adarev otcin". Well he is dead, but he can be found in level 1 befallen. Skeleton Lrodd tells you that to get the mallet you need to seek Windstream. Basically, the 3 pieces come from 2 different sources. The mallet head and hilt come from Killing Elf skeletons. The stem comes from killing Commander Windstream in level 3 of befallen, and he is a level 20+ Zombie. All you need to do is put the head and hilt into the stem, which is a container, and hit combine to make the mallet. Many people choose to keep and use the mallet. If you return the mallet to Lovehill, you will get a mid level spell scroll. However, I have been told that if your faction is very high with him, you may occasionally get a Ring of the Dead. (This is unconfirmed). (Submitted by Lord Vormulak and Saro)
Words for Necromancers: :
You can get 12 words needed for high level Necromancer pet research from the 3 Sisters (X`Ta Tempi, Timpi, and Tompi) in Neriak Foreign Quarters (-10, -45). It is really easier to get them though randomly looting creatures than by doing the quests.

Tempi will give you the following words:

  • Possession: From Unrest-Barbed Bone Chips, From Mistmoor-Dagger Charred, and a Bloodstone
  • Haunting: From Unrest-Darkbone Chip, From Mistmoor-Dagger Ebon, and Jasper
  • Collection Beza: Globe of Darkness, Eye of Kor, Amber
  • Collection Caza: Eye of Guk, From Spectres-Globe of Fear, and Jade

    Timpi will give you the following words:

    Tompi will give you the following words:

    Yegek's Test, part 1: :
    Yegek B'Larin, an NPC beside the Arena area in the Neriak warrior's guild building, will give a bag with 6 slots when told "Seloxia Punox sent me". He instructs you to fill it with 3 bone chips and 3 fire beetle eyes, combine it, and return the bag (and also reminds you to keep your starting shortsword). Doing so results in a faction raise with the Indigo Brotherhood, and faction drops with three good guilds (The Emerald Warriors and two I can't remember), pocket change, and a minor item (often a torch, but I got plenty of iron rations from this one also). You may then get part two of his quest.
    Yegek's Test, part 2: :
    When Part 1 has been completed, Yegek may ask if you are ready for the [second test]. If you say you are, he will request your starting No Drop shortsword back (you DID keep it, right?). Give it to him, and a Teir'Dal Traitor appears in the arena. You have to fight this NPC to complete Quest #2. Note that Yegek says you must do it unarmed, but I'm not sure if you actually have to or not, or what you get if you defeat him. The REASON I'm not sure is that that Teir'Dal Traitor, when I fought him for the first time at 3rd level, conned blue and WIPED THE FLOOR with a warrior whose Hand to Hand skill was about 10. I tried 9 more times (dying to get that sword back was noooooo problem), armed and unarmed, and never put a mark on him. At 5th, my final try, H2H score 24, he conned black (obviously there is some variation) and I put one single scratch on him for 1 point. Whoopee. Meanwhile he was hammering me for around 6 per punch and hitting a *lot more often than I was. Maybe with H2H maxed, if you wait until 6th or so, it's easier, but you'll only get one try, since by then your starting sword won't reappear when you die. Whym finally went out and enlisted the help of several wizards and barely managed to kill the Tier'Dal. The reward for this valiant effort? A rusty short sword.