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Main Quest page

*********CHEF DOOGA WILL KILL TROLLS ON SITE********* Clurg's Revenge::
Clurg the bartender doesn't like that someone in Neriak is imitating his drinks, and wants you to deal with him. Bring him the head of this imposter and you will get rewarded. The head you get from completing the Freeport Exotic Drink quest works here, but that's not the one you are really supposed to get. He is referring to a female ogre bartender named Pugla in the Ogre area in the Foreign Quarter of Neriak. She is located in the large building containing a small PvP arena with a mixture of troll and ogre NPCs inside. She gets scared if you ask her about the Flaming Clurg. Be careful with her since she hits harder than her level would indicate. (Submitted by Kiggulak)

Exotic Drinks: :
This quest is probably the best quest in the game for a lower level magic user, especially an enchanter. It results in the Glowing Stein, a great magic item which gives +10 int, +5 dex, +10 hp and +20 disease resistance. The items can be collected by just about anyone, but you need an enchanter to finish the quest. I know the quest works every time with a level 20 enchanter who has illusion ogre and benevolence. It also can work in some instances with a level 12 enchanter who has illusion dark elf and alliance. It is a lengthy quest, requiring you to go all over the world to get items, but worth it. Clurg, the Ogre bartender in Ogguk, has lost his bartender's compendium and wants it back badly. It is currently held by Bartender Gregor, in Freeport. Fortunately, Gregor has a lust for exotic drinks, and lacks only the ingredients to make his dream concoctions. He will give you the compendium for those ingredients. He wants you to get him the following items: (1) a Kiola Nut, which can be purchased on the island of Erollisi for about 2 gp, (2) Erud's Tonic (see Erudin quests, basically a quick purchase and exchange), (3) Honey Jum from Rivervale (See Rivervale Quests)[note: You need an indifferent faction in Rivervale for this one or you need to trust a halfling to get it for you. If you can't find a trustworthy halfling, (I had the misfortune of initially getting ripped off by a particularly nasty halfling named Mappas who believed he could extort 5 pp for the honey jum after I gave him the items and a promise of 5 gp to get it) you can easily create one of your own and do the exchange since a level 1 can easily do this part of the quest], and (4) a Koalindl Fish from the lake in the Temple of Life in Qeynos. This is the hardest part of the quest. You will take a severe faction hit with several good factions and with Rodcet Nife himself for killing the fish, dropping several levels in faction, and you will get attacked and killed when you leave the water unless you gate in time. (There is also a paladin who will jump in and kill you in the water if he is nearby). The fish do not drop a corpse every time, so you may have to kill several fish, potentially making you kos with many clerics afterwards. Also, they are a slow spawn and are currently being camped quite a bit. To avoid the faction hits, you can create a new character and build it up to about level 3 to attack the fish (they are level 2 to 3). Also, as an alternative, I have been told that if you have a high enough fishing skill, you can fish a koalindl fish out of the pond in about a half hour or so. As another alternative, Frostbite the Dog in WK sometimes drops a Koalindl fish if his master is not around, but you lose soom serious faction for this as well and one of the people you lose faction with happens to spend a lot of time in Gregor's bar, making it tough to complete the quest if you become kos with her. Although the resulting drink sounds pretty foul to me, should you manage to gather all of these ingredients he promises to give you his bartender's compendium. Here is where you need a trustworthy enchanter. He must give Gregor the ingredients. Gregor will then give him 3 to 4 pp and the bartender's compendium, which is a no drop item. This has to be taken to Ogguk and given to Clurg the bartender there. Be aware that even under an illusion some ogres might attack you, so it might help to go invisible. Before giving it to Clurg, the enchanter needs to cast illusion ogre and benevolence. Or as a possible alternative, cast illusion dark elf and alliance. If his or her faction is not god enough, it won't work (I have had reports that indifferent has worked for some people and not worked for others, but that is probably the minimum he should con). Clurg will then give him the stein. Hopefully, he will then give it to you (hence the trustworthy part). I would say, assuming you can get sow when needed, you can do this quest in just about 3 hours (less if you have teleports).

Froglock Tadpole Fleshies: :
Talk to the Shaman Master, Zulort, and say "me Gonna Help!" He'll give you a simple quest to get 4 Froglock Tadpole Fleshies. Give them to him and he gives you a free spell, Burst of Flame!

Greenblood Shadowknight Tunic: :
This quest is given by Bonlarg in the Greenblood Shadow Knight Guild. He will give you a Black Shadow Tunic if you give him 3 Lizard Scout Fifes (found on Lizard Scouts in Feerot) and your original guild tunic. The tunic can be used for the Greenblood quest in Grobb. (Submitted by Sumdar)

HEHE meat: :
This is the quest to get the Grobb Cleaver. It starts in Grobb (of course). Talk to Carver, by the Shaman's guild, and he will tell you he wants 3 pieces of a meat called "HEHE meat" and the recipe to make it. You can purchase the meat in Oggok from Dooga the Ogre Chef(Trolls are KOS to Dooga). (She has a seperate quest to deliver froglock legs). He will send you to deliver a Grub Locker of Dwarf Pickles to his Troll friend in the Ocean of Tears, Nerbilik. Nerbilik is fishing on the Siren rocks. Be careful, since I have been told the guards may kill you even though they con indifferent. Give him the locker and you will receive approximately 1 plat, increased faction with DaBashers and decreased faction with BrokenSkull Clan, and some xp. However, he will refuse to give you the recipe he has, so you need to kill him and loot it from his corpse. Then take the recipe and 3 HEHE meats back to Carver and he will give you a Grobb Cleaver for you efforts. (Submitted by Ashrum)

Lizard Meat: :
Talk to Krogna and he will reward you for giving him 4 pieces of lizard meat (don't stack them) with some money, experience and an item. (Submitted by Oglug of the Hand of Chaos)

Lizard Tails: :
Talk to Horgus and he will tell you that he wants you to bring him lizard tails. He will give you rawhide armor pieces (usually wristbands) for doing so. (Submitted by Oglug of the Hand of Chaos)

Marda's Secret Mission::
Marda will tell you to run to the Bouncer Keep near the entrance to Oggok and speak with a froglock named Glib and tell him that the Greenblood Shaman sent you. After speaking to Marda, you must run immediately to Prakk's tower to speak with Glib, the secret froglok emmisary to Oggok. Glib will be waiting for you on the top floor of the tower. If you stop to buy things or talk with an NPC, Glib will disappear. Glib will ask you to kill the Troll Slayer in Innothule Swamp and return with the Slayer's silver neclace. After slaying the Troll Slayer, Glib wants you to slay a Slayer Captain. After slaying the Captain, Glib mentions the froglock prisoner in Grobb. The froglock is named "a prisoner" and is located near the gem vendor in Grobb. Tell the prisoner, "Glib sent me", and he will tell you he doesn't believe you and to prove you are legit, he wants the necklace of a Troll basher (intestine necklace +5hp). Upon returning the necklace, he will give you an empty jar to be taken to Froger Grikk in the swamp. Take the jar to Grikk and he will give a item to be taken back to the prisoner (I forget the item). The prisoner will then give you a note to be take back to Marda. This note explains how Zimbittle (female NPC in swamp) is teaching the Lizardman Mystic to fight Ogres. Marda then insist you kill Zimbittle and return with her pouch as proof. After returning the pouch you are rewarded 2 first level shaman spells. Big whoop. (Submitted by Doriath and Gwomish)

Noble Hunters: :
Contact Kogna and Guntrik in the warriors guild of Oggok, you must speak to Kogna first and tell him you are a mighty warrior of the guild he will mention something about the Noble Hunters of Humans and Elves. Go find Guntrik, also in warrior guild hall. He will give you the rest of the quest info. Kill Noble Hunters of Humans and Elves, return to him any house crests or an item that says where the Hunters sleep and he will reward you. Your reward is sometimes the Crude Stein. Give any meat you find to Chef Dooga. (Submitted by Jink)

Nork's Severed Arm: :
Lork wants you to find his brother Nork's dismembered body from a fat alligator in Innothule Swamp. Kill the alligator and recover Nork's severed arm. Take it back to Lork and he will give you a Broken Stein to take to the ogre trainer Uglan in Neriak. CAUTION - Uglan will kill shamen or shadowknights on sight. Uglan will then ask you to intercept a Blue Orc Runner and get a letter off of him and return it to Lork. The letter details a conspiracy between the Crushbone Orcs and the dark elves against the ogres. For a reward, Lork will give you an item, sometimes a Crude Stein. Then, as pay back, Lork wants you to bring him the hearts of Lord Crushbone and the dark elf ambassador who visits the shaman guild in Oggok. The dark elf ambassador is named K'ryn and he is located in komarr's caves (the tunnels). If you enter the tunnels through the bottom right tunnel, contune through the tunnels until you reach the shaman trainers you should go to the right and there will be six or so ogres who sell the shaman spells. In that room there is another tunnel which will bring you to a room with about five different passages. In one of those passages waits the dark elf ambassador. You need to kill him and get his heart. (he also often drops a dragoon dagger). For killing K'ryn, you lose faction with IndigoBrotherhood, but gain with EmeraldWarriors and SteelWarriors. The Lord Crushbone is the always camped D'Vinn. You need to kill him as well and get his heart. Once you have both hearts, return them to Lork and be prepared to receive your big reward from the grateful ogre - Some rawhide armor! Well at least you should get some dragoon daggers while doing the quest. Basically, the only reason to do this quest is if you happen to stumble across these two dragoons and kill them and want to get rid of their hearts. (Submitted by Oglug,Vaprak and Ghork)

Pickled Froglocks: :
Give Chef Dooga in oggok 3 pickled frogloks (froglok meat + vinegar + jug of sauce - baked together) and she will give you the ogre butcher apron.

Preserved Meat Delivery: :
In the Oggok tavern there is an ogre chef named Dooga(Trolls are KOS to her). If you talk to her enough she will give you preserved meat to deliver to an ogre named The Gobbler in Neriak. Take him his meat and he'll give you a nice item (I have been told of an ogre butchers axe and Ogre Butcher Gloves). Your faction will increase with Neriak Ogre. (Submitted by Eccky and Jhereg w/ additions by:Bludbaz)
Smart Ogres: :
Marda, a shaman in the guild area, will tell smart ogres to go speak with Grevak in the Greenblood Knights building. Grevak will tell you to bring back lizardman tails for a reward. A lizardman shaman doll will bring a bigger reward. (Submitted by Doriath)