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Southern Karanas
Main Quest page
Crafted Armor: :
Warning. I have been told that there is a bug which sometimes causes some items (ice goblin totems for one) for this quest to disappear when zoning into SK. The centaur vendors are willing to make armor like we have never seen before, or so they claim. They can make a complete set of "crafted" armor as follows:

Shakrn makes:

Crafted Helm- Fire Totem(Fire Goblin High Cleric, Nagafens or Inferno Goblin Shaman in Sol A), Two Ruby Stones
Crafted Gauntlets- Aviak Charm(Aviak Avocet, South Karana), Two Star Rubies
Crafted Boots- Frost Totem(Ice Goblin Patriarch or High Shaman, Permafrost), Two Sapphires
Crafted Vambraces- Eye of a Griffon(East Commons, West Commons, South Karana), two Fire Emeralds

Ulan makes:

Crafted Bracers- One Optic Nerve per Bracer(Evil Eye-Borxx, Runnyeye), One Sapphire
Crafted Greaves- Dark Circlet(Trazdon, Near BC Room, Najena), Two Star Rubies.
Crafted Pauldruns- Three pieces of the Rune of Dwarves(Evil Eyes-Broxx, Runnyeye), One Fire Emerald
Crafted Breastplate- One Talon(Werewolf, Mistmoore Castle), Three Rubies.

Location of Gems (Prices are with Character with 105 Charisma and approximate)

Star Ruby(70pp)- Woman NPC in Felwithe, near fishing shop or Qeynos Jewelry shop. Sapphire(110pp)-Woman NPC in Felwithe, near fishing shop or Qeynos Jewelry shop. Fire Emerald(100pp)-Jade Dragon shop in North Freeport. Ruby Stone(130pp)- Shop next to bank in Erudin.

A few of these rubies can be obtained in the Foreign Quarter of Neriak(Shiny Tings in the troll/ogre area)

The armor you get is very nice, warrior only (all sizes, lore item), and is a cool dark blue color. (Submitted by Arkand Eagleseeker)

Cromil's Remains: :
This quest is sometimes given to you after you return 4 bone chips to the paladin in the guild hall in Kaladim. He will ask you to find the remains of his brother Cromil. Supposedly he is now undead and is with an undead army located somewhere in the Plains of Karana. You can find these remains in the Southern Plains of Karana. Cromil is not actually a creature that is listed. It turns out that after you kill a Putrid Skeleton in the camp where Lord Grimrot hangs out, one of them might have a set of Dwarven Bones. These are in fact Cromil's remains. Upon returning them to the paladin in the Kaladim guildhall, he rewards you with some cash and a spell. Be warned that the location is in a very dangerous location, as many of the creatures there are well into the upper teens in level. Especially beware of the roaming cyclops and Lord Grimrot, who is in fact the subject of another quest. (Submitted by Klythin)

Lord Grimlot's Love: :
This quest no longer results in the Electrum-Bladed Wakizashi. I am not sure what if anything you get for this. Lord Grimlot tells you about his poor, misguided beloved Arlena, who has run away from him to Mistmoore castle. Being the sentimental type, he wants you to track down the lass, kill her and return her either the lute of the gypsy or her bones.

Trumpy Irontoe's Skull: :
After bringing the head of Trumpy Irontoe to the Necro Guildmaster in Qeynos, he will cast a spell on it and hand you back his fleshless skull to deliver to Lord Grimrot, who is supposed to be in a field of skeletons somewhere in the Plains. Grimrot is located in South Karana, surrounded by some tough and dangerous skeletons. You may have to wait a while for him to show up so be prepared to fight or hide. The delivery of the skull will get you a decent amount of experience and gold, as well as an occasional nice item. (Submitted by Bathory).

Winds of Karana: :
This is another of the multiple part quests. When heading into Southern Karana, from Northern Karana mind you, there is a tower just before the bridge. Just outside the tower doors are four very large horn like structures. Standing beside one is a female bard. If you talk to her, and ask if there is anything you can do for her, she relays a sad story of a hermit who stole her flute. Now, head into Southern Karana. Head straight south, making sure to give a wide berth to the Grave Yard of Lord Grimrot. About half way through the zone is a fountain, with Vhalen standing there. Vhalen, who is also the object of the broken Lute quest for bards, has an offer for you. He will complete his latest masterpiece for you. Of course, he needs something for this. Two sheets of a song. Pages 1 and 2 of the Winds of Karana. He tells you of a man who has stolen these pages. A vile man of a Hermit. Sound familiar eh? Now, head southeast till you see a cottage. It has a hexagonal wall of stone surrounding it, so it's not hard to find. Inside the walls is "a hermit." A very unfriendly sort. Here's where the quests takes one of two paths. The door to the hermits house is either locked, or broken and won't open. So it's hard to get to him. If you slide past the door slowly you may be able to see him and target him. Now, if you want to talk to him, you can go behind the house, stand EXACTLY against the chimney that protrudes and banter with him. He's very hard to convince to talk, and the sentence basically has to say something to the effect of "where is the flute" though this isn't the exact wording, (I got it right once out of 6 attempts) Now, if you do talk to him, he has twoquests you can achieve from him (More on these later) in which you kill two people and bring proof to him for the Flute and the Page. Now, as it's hard to get through the door, and thus hard to exchange the items to him, there is ONE other manner to do this quest. Target him, as before, and begin an attack. Spells will draw him out just fine. After he is dead, his body will contain the Flute, Page 1 of the Winds of Karana or just one or the other. At this point, some factions will go up, down and you will no doubt gain some good experience. I estimate him to be around level 19-20. Now, head back into Northern Karana, and hand the flute over to the bard sitting against the pillar. She, as thanks, will give you Page 2 of the winds of Karana, some experience, faction and occasionally a small cash reward. You are almost complete. Head back into Southern Karana and hand both the pages to Vhalen at the same time. You will gain Faction, a small amount of money, and a Bard song. This song appears to be random. I got the 3rd song, another got the 4th song. (Submitted by Myen).