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Bogo Redeemers Society, Inc.

BRSI honors Bogohanon graduates, new professionals
Senate President, Lifetime Achievement Awardee

On the occasion of its 79th anniversary, the Bogo Redeemers Society, Inc. honors new Bogohanon professionals and graduates in recognition of their efforts, on May 25, 1999 at Bogo Sports and Cultural Center.



California Bogohanons undertake fund-raising for hometown indigents - Dionisio Grava, Phil. News Agency


Articles from Souvenir Program

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends and benefactors who, in one way or another, have helped make the 79th Anniversary a success. THANK VERY MUCH!


It was one shining moment for Cebu's great leader, Senate President Marcelo Fernan. A large audience, some 600 socio-civic leaders, friends and peers cheered Celing as he entered the ballroom of the Grand Convention Center, accompanied by his wife Eloisa and the steering committee of the Cebu Multisectoral Council led by Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Anastacio Muntuerto and Dr. Efren Valiente, past president of the Cebu Jaycees.


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