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Bogo Redeemers Society, Inc.

The Bogo Redeemers Society, Inc is a socio-civic "organization of, by, and for Bogo young men and women". It is non-partisan, therefore, enjoying the suppoort of every administration since 1920, the founding year.

As envisioned by the founder, the late Judge Wenceslao L. Fernan, is is an "organization that would harness and develop the energies of the youth for productive purposes. The idea was to foucs the attention of the youth to their forebears, who through dint fo hart work and perseverance became successful professionals and respectable members of the community."

In October 20, 1992, the Bogo Redeemers Society became a legal entity when its applicationfor registration to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) iwas approved per Certificate of Registration No. CN092-00380 CE05883. Today, it is now called Bogo Redeeemres Society, Inc. (BRSI). it is expected to renew it registration in teh next fifty years. Its incorporators and trustees are: Bernard Restificar, Roy Andales, Shiela Flores, Jerome Coligado, Slavsky Ybañez, Benson Gomez, Sarah Pepito, Christine Restificar, John Glenn Lepiten, Maita Tuico, Roseller Gelig, Celerina Puerto, Mirazon Canama adn Imelda Charito Tan Ruiz.

The founder felt that "the youth should set a goal for themselves to redeem themselves from the clutches of poverty and ignorance as well to improve themselves and become worthy members of our society. He also believed that the youth should take an active and militant part in the working of the society." The Bogo Redeemers Socity, Inc. would serve as an avenue through which future leaders of the community are properly motivated.

The BRSI shall sponsor various activities that shall put to good use the talents and leadership abilities of its members such as fund raising affairs to finance its programs and community projects: leadership seminars, fellowship meetings to improve interpersonal relationships among members, inviting authorities on special topics to talk to the society, update the Bogo Professional Directory to monitor the latest additions and to inspire the Bogo youth to emulate their worhty examples, honor the graduates and new professionals on May 25th of every year in recognition of their efforts.

Anybody who have been born, raised and/or have roots in Bogo through his/her parent/s and/or grandparents automatically become members upon high school graduation, and throghout their lifetime.

It is the duty and privilege of every member to actively participate inevery BRSI activity for his own personal development and for the good of the society. It is and old concept that says,

"you can help yourself get what you want if you help others get what they want"
The BRSI believes that each member has a definite role to play in the society and that there is no such thing as too many active members. More active members can only mean more people contribute to and benefit from the various activities it sponsors. The BRSI, then urges member to attend the scheduled monthly get-together.

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