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MTV review by Bobbie George

Review of BSB performance at MTV Video Awards
By: Bobbie George

Last night, 9|9|99, was the night of the MTV Video Awards live from New York City.

The night was filled with many surprises. Jokes were thrown at BSB and they just laughed them off. But the 2nd, yes 2nd best highlight of the night was the BSB performance. They sang a bit of "I Want It That Way" and then even more of thier new single, yet to be released, "Larger Than Life".

The boys, as usual, looked their best and sang their best. As some of you may know some artists lip sing at concerts and awards shows so that they sound their best but as you may know the BSB don't want to upset an audience so they sing live all the time. I believe that BSB was the best live performance there.

They had the audience joining in along with them. The danced all around the stage, not like other artists. They sang as much as they could, not like other artists. Those other artist will stay unknown but you may know who I'm talking about.

But I most say the boys did an exellent job last night and if that's a preview of the concert, well then the concert most be the best.

The BEST highlight of the night was when BSB WON THE MTV VIEWERS CHOICE AWARD. in my opinion the most important award of all. To tell you the truth I started crying with tears of joy because I was so happy. I was jumping and screaming and crying. But because you the FANS voted for them I have to say THANK YOU because without you there would be no Backstreet Boys.

The one thing that did bother me last ngiht was the number that Britney Spears and 'N Sync did (no offence). What I would like to say is.... WHY GIVE THEM MICROPHONES WHEN THEY SANG ONLY TWO LINES? WHAT'S THE POINT? I mean they could have sung something more and did a bit less dancing. It just wasn't complete.

Well there are my impressions and reviews of last night MTV VIDEO AWARDS and if you have any comments and/or question, please feel free to e-amil me!

