Everyone makes mistakes.... Even these wonderful guys! Here are some... interesting and funny ones we spotted in their videos. Check 'em out and let us know of anymore you think should be added! Enjoy!
~Video-We've Got It Going On~
-3 people can fit in AJ's sweater! I swear! (I'll be happy to do it though)
-Why are there weights in a night club?
-Isn't the age limit for a club 18? I think Nick a bit outta place
-In the scene when the guys are in the woods, near the end of the vid Howie is fascinated with the ground and not really singing.
-Is it legal to look that good?
-When dancing on stage, Kevin stays standing up while the other 4 guys go down
-At the end when they're singing into the Mics stuff, Brian forgets to sing HIS part!
~Video-Get Down~
- Two words... MOSH PIT!!
-Nick has to constantly make sure he's still there by patting himself on the chest
-Kevin keeps lookin at all of the others like they're nuts
-Is Nick having a seisure on the floor?!
-Near the end of AJ's rap, for a split second, it looks like Brian got whiplash
-Nick gets a bit carried away with his dancing at one point
-What's with the floating people anyways?
-Howie at one point decides to do his own moves (that’s okay… we love you! Actually, no we don’t!)
-AJ is up and Kevin is down up down up down
-Brian forgot his moves again (I still love you baby!)
-While AJ is doing his rap part, as he's ending he turns around to walk away but Brian's right there so AJ quickly turns the other way. (umm a little confused hon?)
-During the "jumping jacks" scene Howie gets carried away and carries on after the rest of the guys stop!
-At the end of the vid,it looks like Nick falls into Brian when all the guys are jumping around. (Poor boys!)
~Video-Anywhere For You~
-Nick, that vest DOES NOT work!
-While walking along the beach at the beginning, Kevin seems to stumble
-Part of the way through the video, to the far right of the screen, Howie seems to be attacked by a seagull!
-Near the end when Brian and AJ are running for the beachball, AJ trips!
~Video-I'll Never Break Your Heart(1st one)~
-Apparently Nick hates snowmen
-Brian has to sit alone. He was a bad wittle boy I guess
-Those CHEESY girls in the beginning of the video are annoying enough
-Brian and AJ, what's with the same sweater! You both look great but... still!
-Nick gets hit in the head by Brian with a snowball at the end
-AJ is nowhere to be found when the guys are all sitting down eating
-Brian goes to talk to the girl and has nothing in his hand and suddenly he has a shishkabob(that spelled right?)
-AJ keeps following the camera
-Nick can't keep his hands warm
-When they're on the terrace, you can see a camera man *accidently* appear in the background!
-Nick almost knocks over a girl diving into the snowman, sweet!
-Kevin falls on his girl and accidently goes to her chest
-At the end, AJ forgets to sing his part.
~Video-Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)~
-In the beginning, Nick looks like he is crying. He has his head lowered (poor guy)
-Now if you haven't noticed, Kevin is very "happy" and it's not a good thing to wear tight, wet pants.
-We now know AJ wears briefs
-Does Brian needs a potty break?
-Kev's got a spit-bubble on in his mouth
-AJ... sunglasses, at NIGHT, try again babe
-Halfway into the vid, Howie is walking around minus his shirt(which is kinda nice I might add) but it looks like he doesn't have ANY idea what he's doing
-Close to the end of the vid, while Kev's doing his song bit, he's NOT singing what he's supposed to be singing
-Why is Nick vouging on the bleachers?
-When AJ sings "Baby baby the love that we had was so strong" Brian is coughing. You can barely see it, but it's there.
-Nick looks like he's gonna bust out laughing in the middle of his scream
-Why does no one care about Kevin's dream?
-What's with LICKING hands?
-Yeah, sure, that lighning looks So real! *sarcasm*
-How come Kevin just stands there just dazed out of his mind at the beginning?
-"You slip into a bed like that, and miss a huge dead animal? What you been drinking boy?!"
-Brian's "oops" in the dance scene I bet you all know about
-Towards the end of the video, the girl that A.J. is dancing with stops to pull up her dress
-During AJ's "Now throw your hands up in the air" One of the dancers in the back messes up and misses one of the turns
-Brian's teeth are gonna fall out near the beginning
-Kevin misses a bit and in the extended version of the vid, they don't cut a scene fast enough so he continues singing when he shouldn't be
-Howie and Nick aren't quick enough when the dance begins
-Both Kevin and Nick begin singing too soon in the chorus with the other dancers
-Kev turns around a little bit too fast
-Kev had a mouse crawling around in his shirt for a bit but managed to keep himself from laughing so they wouldn't have to re-do the scene
-At the end, when they're leaving, only Brian and Kevin have luggage, the other guys must pack REALLY light
-When AJ is singing at the table, the camera zooms over the table and a candle goes out
-At the end when they show A.J. and the 4 girls before the ballroom, the girl in the black dress behind A.j. is pulling up her dress!
-Howie is by himself and he's not singing anything close to his part. I don't have a clue what he thinks he's doin', but it's not right, then again Howie is a freak so it is exusable!
~Video-As Long As You Love Me~
-At the end of the video, the black girl's pig tails aren't poofy
-HOW CUTE! Brian wanted to make sure Nick looked just perfect
-In the beginning, when the girls are walking in and the guys are standing up looking at them. Well, the guys start out in one position the camera does a shot of the girls and the boys are all in a different order.
-When Brian has his hat on you can't see his beautiful face(DAMMIT!)
-During the chair morph scene, Nick goes up when he's should be going down
-While Brian's singing, Kev slightly trips over his shoe
-When the guys pick up their folding chairs, Brian is too tired to pick it up so his is a tad crooked
-When the guys go up to the girls, Howie's arm is on his left hip, then right hip, then MAGICALLY they are crossed
-When they walk towards the girls, AJ's belt is over his jacket, then in the next frame it's gone(Magic I swear)
-Howie is fixing his jacket in the scene when all the guys are behind the table.
~Video-All I Have To Give~
-When Brian begins to sing, Kev decides to pop in the shot
-During the first chorus, Kevin is beside Nick, then in the next frame Howie is, scarey eh?
-In the second chorus,I think Nick is talking instead of singing
-When Nick is sitting in the chair in one scene, he sticks out his foot, and almost trips Howie!(HA HA!)
-In the hat scene - Howie can't put the hat on his head properly but of course, they don't redo the scene, they just do a really quick cut.
_Howie flips his hat one too many times!
~Video-Let The Music Heal Your Soul (Charity Single)~
-The first time they are shown singing the chorus, Nick is infront of Brian so you completely can't see him!!! Poor guy is too short!
-Brian is so close the mic, looks like he could be licking it, I dunno (I know, he's too busy singing, but it's a thought)
-Brian (yes I know I talk about him a lot but he's mostly shown in the vid) can't figure out what he wants to do with his hands
-What is with Nick and Brian's Frick and Frack hats? It's cute *giggles* (Not a blooper I know... just had to mention it)
-You don't see the guys enough!
-In one frame Brian has is jacket off, then in the next, it's on
-When they are all together singing in a group, Kev isn't REALLY singing, looks like he is mumbling or something.
~Video-I'll Never Break Your Heart (new one)~
-Near the end Howie jumps around in a cirle sorta like a helicopter or something
-When Brian starts singing his part, looks like he is going to kill himself laughing! Well pretty much whenever he sings solo... it's cute
We still have to add all the new video but dont worry it will be here soon! Come back and check it out!