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Quiz yourself to see how good of a Backstreet Boys fan you are. You can rate under the categories "Backstreet Blunder", "Doubtful BSB Fan" or "True BSB Fanatic". Your names will be posted on this page.

Good Luck!!!

What is your name?

What's your e-mail address?

Who's your fave Backstreet Boy?

1.) What were the Backstreet Boys named after?
A Famous Club in Canada A market in Orlando A street in Orlando

2.) Who were the first three Backstreet Boys? AJ, Nick, Howie
Nick, Brian, Howie AJ, Brian, Kevin

3.) Which two Backstreet Boys are cousins?
AJ and Kevin Nick and Brian Brian and Kevin

4.) What record company are they signed with?
Transcontinental Records Columbia Records Jive Records

5.) Who likes to go ballroom dancing?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

6.) Who's father had to build a fence around their house to keep screaming girls away?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

7.) Who was can speak Spanish fluently?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

8.) Who is afraid of heights?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

9.) Who's nickname is Bone (Boner)?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

10.) Who won't go anywhere without his Sony Playstation?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

11.) Who is the oldest of the group?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

12.) Who doesn't like to take off his shirt because he thinks he has baby fat?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick

13.) Who's foot got run over by a van after a TV show in Canada?
AJ Brian Howie Kevin Nick
~Sorry, This is out of order and in constrution.~

~True BSB Fanatics~

Here are the winners to the quiz!!! Good Job and Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!!

Krystal Fave Backstreet Boy: AJ
HowiesBoo Fave Backstreet Boy: Howie
Sam Fave Backstreet Boy: none
Morina Fave Backstreet Boy: Nick
Jamie Fave Backstreet Boy: Nick
Choe Fave Backstreet Boy: Brian
Caroline Fave Backstreet Boy: Kevin
Queeny Fave Backstreet Boy: Nick
Tricia Fave Backstreet Boy: AJ
Ashlee Fave Backstreet Boy: Kevin

~Main Page~
