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"Welcome to Mr Rogers Neighborhood, Mr.Rogers couldn't be here today, so I'm taking his place."

"Everyone was afraid of me cause I was such a freak. No one would come near me, they were like, 'What the hell's wrong with him, he's so weird?' I didn't fit in."

"I'm not good at secrets, so don't tell me any!"

"I used to smoke and that calmed me but I quit cause it wasn't worth ruining my voice."

"I'm not good at secrets, so don't tell me any!"

"I think I'm a man."

"Hello in the front. Hello over there. Hello over there. And way back there, wassup."

"I'm crazy yo"

"I like to flirt."

"The vibration of any moving vehicle puts me to sleep."

"It's gonna get funky!"

"I like being the center of attention."

"I made a bet with the Thailand press saying that they will never catch me in a picture without my sunglasses on."

"I like the type of girl that will let me do everything for her."

"Let me make you breakfast, let me make you lunch, let me make you dinner, then we can just make it happen."

"The vibration of any moving vehicle puts me to sleep."


"What you see is what you get."

"Boner! That;s what we call him! Ha ha!!

"I'm a manly man."

"Yeah....I get bras sent to me all the time...I dunno what to do with them cause I can't wear them!!!"

"Don't forget about the Backstreet Boys!"

"I'll be rockin' your house!"

"ALLLLLLrighty then!"

"I love cheese!"

"I am a Barbie Girl."

"I feel like a corn cob right now."

"I'm a shy person when I first meet people."

"I am very close to my family.

"It was practically brand new" (about his waterbed)

"My name is B-rok and I'll always love you."


"Those are stolen towels."

"I am Count Dracula."

"Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive"

"I am the breakfast burrito man!"

"I am way, way uncool."

"Yo, why you gotta diss me like that for?"

"¿Como estas? This is Howie D."

"I miss getting hugged everyday."


"I'm in game mode."

"I like the type of girl that will one day become my wife."

"My hair has to be perfect & nobody can touch it. I like to look good always."


"I love chinese food."

"Do my laundry."

"No, I did not open my mini bar."

"I'm an old man!"

"When all else fails, ya just gotta grab it with your fingers."

"All right baby!"(with an English accent)

"I think when a girl wears a guy's sweatshirt, it's sexy."

"I like a girl that will let me hold her in my arms and let me giver her all i have to give."


"I want to be crazy, even when I'm 80! "

"I want a girl who'll let me hold her so tight and let me kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her."

"I never hang my feet off the end of the bed - I'm afraid little gremlins will bite my toes! Really!"

"Sometimes good looks come in handy."

"MmmBop....I got clean socks. Yeah, Mmmbop.....Clorox rocks!"

"I know, but they bunched up when I put these spandex things on!"

"I'm kinda the prankster of the group."

"I love spending time with my brother."

"But you make me very happy."

"Whatever, it's just me."

"It's hard having a relationship right now, because I'm so busy. I think any girl would be pretty mad if I was on the road all the time and couldn't see her."

"I can be really shy around girls. If I like a girl, I usually try to ignore her a bit. My stomach gets all tingly and I don't dare to get near her."

"I like a girl that likes to move her body. That likes to shake what her mother gave her."

"If I have to eat McDonalds one more day on this trip, I'm gonna scream!"

"Ich Liebe Dich!" (I love you in German)

"If I have to eat McDonalds one more day on this trip, I'm gonna scream!"

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