2. What actor plays Jonathan? Danny Strong Seth Green Ashton Kutcher
3. How many demons does Buffy kill? 1 2 3
4. What was Willows biggest fear of the "inheirted trait" from the demon? Buffy would go insane It was a boy demon It had horns
5. Who's mind does Buffy read to get answers in class? Willow's the teacher's Nancy
6. What song did Principal Snyder have in his head? I'm too Sexy Walk Like an Egyptian Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
7. According to Xander, what is 5 times 6? 35 32 30
8. How many times did Joyce and Giles have sex? never once twice
9. What colour was the demon's heart? blue white green
10. Who was the killer? Jonathan Principal Snyder the Lunchlady
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