2. What were Giles' career ambtions before becoming a Watcher? a fighter pilot or a grocer a doctor or a lawyer a librarian and a teacher
3. Which of Giles' previous family members were watchers? His father and his grandfather His father and his grandmother His mother and his gradfather
4. How many lanquages can Giles read? 3 4 5
5. How does Giles refer to Snyder in The Puppet Show? Our new Principal Our new Fuhruh Our new friend
6. What was the demon that Giles' old gang invoked? Eyghon Acathla Eyoyan
7. What does the note say that Giles finds before discovering Jenny's body? I'm waiting I Love You Upstairs
8. What does Gile steal while under the influence of chocolate bars? a coat and a hat a police car shoes
9. Why is Giles fired from the counsel? For helping Buffy cheat on a test For punching Quentin For caring too much for Buffy
10. According to Buffy, what does Giles give her when she's good? A weapon A pat on the back A cookie
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