2. "The number of a qualified surgeon to remove the British flag from his butt?" Faith Cordelia Xander
3. "I suspect that the finger food contains actual fingers." Spike Giles Buffy
4. "It's been a long time since I've been to the movies. They've changed." Angel Giles Mayor Wilkins
5. "I just can't decide on a school right now. I mean... I want to sleep on it, you know, mull it over. Raise 'em up my inner flagpole, see which one I salute." Buffy Willow Xander
6. "I miss you... like, every second. It's like I lost an arm, or worse, a torso." Angel Spike Oz
7. "You're lazy, self-involved, and spoiled. That's quite the challenge." Snyder Cordelia Buffy
8. "And when did you become all soul-having again? I thought you outgrew that." Cordelia Spike Xander
9. "All right, prepare to uncouple. Uncouple." Oz Xander Willow
10. "That's right, big boy. Come and get it." Faith Buffy Willow
11. "Hey, I love you. Even if you're covered with slime." Xander Oz Angel
12. "Yeah, I can use some luck. And a stick with pointy sharp bits." Buffy Faith Cordelia
13. "'Frisky Watchers Chat Room'. Why, Giles!" Xander Willow Buffy
14. "Once again, the Hellmouth puts the 'special' in special occasion." Buffy Cordelia Oz
15. "Actually, I do have a date. Older man. Very handsome. Likes it when I call him Daddy." Faith Xander Buffy
16. "But you like him, and when you think about him, you get that good down-low tickle, right?" Willow Buffy Faith
17. "In fact, I am. Here to watch. Girls. Bufy and Faith, to be specific." Wesley Giles Ms. Post
18. "What about home schooling? You know, it's not just for scary religious people any more" Buffy Joyce Giles
19. "There's this whole trick to antonyms, but... this isn't the place." Willow Oz Giles
20. "But, wha... was that a yes? I'm having trouble keeping track." Xander Wesley Buffy
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